US elections: voters confirm Biden’s election victory – politics


Most Americans have chosen Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Still, the incumbent Donald Trump is trying to do everything he can to overturn Biden’s victory on the legal path. All news and updates at a glance:

Monday, December 14, 2020, 11:59 pm: The Attorney General of the United States, Bill Barr, has requested his resignation effective December 23. Outgoing US President Donald Trump posted Barr’s resignation letter on his Twitter channel Tuesday night. In it, Barr thanked Trump for the opportunity to serve his country as attorney general for the second time. Barr, who has brought the ministry closer to the White House than almost any of his predecessors, had fallen out of favor because he recently stated that there was no evidence of Trump’s allegations of widespread voter fraud that could influence the outcome of the election. Trump is said to have been extremely upset about this. Since then, there has been speculation about Barr’s early departure. Until now Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen will head the ministry, Trump announced on Twitter.

The electoral vote confirms Biden’s victory in the US.

Monday, December 14, 2020, 11:44 pm: The votes of the electorate in almost all the states of the United States and the capital district of Washington have confirmed the victory of Democrat Joe Biden over current Donald Trump in the presidential elections. The California vote lifted Biden Monday night (local time) above the threshold of the 270 necessary votes. Biden wanted to speak after the electoral vote in all 50 states and the capital district. The president is indirectly elected in the United States.

The total of 538 electorates vote on behalf of the people. In the vast majority of states, the winner of the election gets all the votes of the local electorate. In Monday’s vote there were initially no deviations, all voters voted according to the results. The vote in Hawaii was still pending. That 78-year-old Biden won the election has been clear since November 7, when the mainstream American media, as is customary in the United States, proclaimed him the winner. Based on certified state results, Biden was expected to get a total of 306 votes at the end of the electoral vote and the current Trump to receive 232 votes. The final overall results of the presidential election will be officially announced in Congress in Washington on January 6. The result is no longer legally debatable.

Biden is due to be sworn in on January 20 in Washington. On that day, Trump’s term ends automatically, even if he doesn’t admit defeat. Voting the electorate is a formality in normal election years because the losing candidate often admits defeat on election night. But Trump still claims that he actually won the election and sees himself stripped of his victory by massive fraud.

Many Republicans, including their top party colleagues in the United States Congress, have yet to publicly recognize Biden as the winner of the election. With a wave of lawsuits, Trump and his allies tried to tilt the election result in favor of the incumbent. Neither he, nor his lawyers nor his followers have provided evidence to support his far-reaching allegations. More than 50 lawsuits have already failed. On Friday, the Washington Supreme Court also dismissed a lawsuit aimed at overturning Biden’s victory in four states. Trump had declared over the weekend that he did not want to abandon the legal battle against his defeat just yet.

Georgia Senate Runoff Voting Begins

Monday, December 14, 2020, 9:20 am: In the US state of Georgia, early voting for the US Senate runoff elections begins Monday. Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff face Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue of the Republicans, who so far represent Georgia in the Senate. The vote could fundamentally change the majority in the Senate. The experts again had a high turnout, although not in a record as in the presidential elections of November.

Republicans only need to defend one of the two seats to maintain their majority in the Senate and make it difficult for President-elect Joe Biden to rule. However, if both Democrats Warnock and Ossoff win, there would be an impasse in which Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris would have the deciding vote in the Senate.

The actual date of the elections is January 5. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, more than half of voters were able to vote early, as in November. In Georgia, this can be done by letter or by voting at one of the polling stations that are open for this purpose. In November, Biden received 65 percent of the vote by mail. Republicans were just ahead in early personal voting. In the end, Joe Biden won the state by an extremely narrow margin of less than 12,000 votes over Donald Trump.

Voters in the United States vote for presidents

Monday, December 14, 2020, 7:23 am: Almost six weeks after the US election, future President Joe Biden wants to take another major hurdle before he takes office: In all 50 US states and the Capital District of Washington, a total of 538 electorates will meet on Monday to vote on the future president. In the vast majority of states, the winner of the election gets all the votes of the local electorate. According to certified results, Democrat Biden has 306 constituencies and Republican Donald Trump 232. The result will not be officially announced until January 6 in Congress in Washington.

Biden is due to be sworn in on January 20 in Washington. Trump continues to oppose his defeat in the November 3 election. The president is indirectly elected in the United States. The winner is whoever can unite at least 270 voters. On Monday, each voter will receive their own ballot, which will be signed and sent to Vice President Mike Pence in his capacity as President of the United States Senate. Copies are sent to other state and federal government institutions. Biden announced that he would comment on Monday night (local time).

Voting by voters is usually a formality, because the losing candidate often admits defeat on election night. But Trump still claims that he actually won the election and is deprived of his victory by fraud. He wrote on Twitter on Sunday: “How do states and politicians confirm an election in which corruption and irregularities are constantly documented?” Neither Trump nor his lawyers or supporters have provided evidence to back up their allegations.

Trump complains about the Supreme Court decision

Saturday, December 12, 2020, 4:23 pm: The US Supreme Court decision on Friday was Donald Trump’s worst defeat to date in his fight against the election result, yet the president has yet to acknowledge Biden’s victory. He expressed his anger in a series of tweets. “This is a great and scandalous judicial error”, he wrote on saturday. “The people of the United States have been betrayed and our country has been ashamed.” The incumbent president once again affirmed that he did not lose the elections, but won with a “landslide victory.” In fact, the election was won by Democrat Joe Biden, who will be sworn in on January 20. Twitter flagged two messages from Trump’s election fraud as controversial.

Trump is deprived of his victory and speaks of electoral fraud, but has not presented any evidence. The United States Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit by the state of Texas against the election result on Friday night. He said Texas had no legal justification to intervene in another state’s elections.

Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan on Monday. He affirmed that the constitution was violated there in the course of the elections. Therefore, the results there, all of which see Biden as the winner, should not be factored in. In addition to Trump, Republican justice ministers from 17 states and 126 Republican lawmakers in the US House of Representatives were behind Paxton’s lawsuit. Another 22 US states and territories objected. The defendant states rejected the initiative as an abuse of the legal system.

Trump announced that he would continue to fight his defeat. “We started fighting !!!” he wrote in capital letters.

Rallies were planned for President Trump and against the outcome of the November 3 election in Washington on Saturday. The organizers announced two meetings in the center of the capital. They are supposed to show determination before voters from the so-called Electoral College meet on Monday to formally elect Joe Biden as the new president.

Trump also attacked the governors of the states of Georgia and Arizona, Brian Kemp and Doug Ducey. They had opposed Trump’s efforts to counter Biden’s victory in their states. Trump wrote Saturday: “You have allowed the states I have easily won to be stolen. Never forget that, elect them out of office!”
