Closure: what applies in schools?


The crown lock also has major consequences for schools and daycare centers. Since the federal states are responsible for this, the rules are different and sometimes confusing. An overview.

The federal and state governments have long been attached to open schools, but in light of the Corona situation, it is now affecting educational institutions as well: Schools should be closed as of Wednesday at the latest or attendance will be suspended. obligatory. This is initially valid until January 10. For children of parents in systemically important professions, there should be emergency care during the lockdown. The rules are different in detail. Saxony has already closed all schools today, but in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania they are sticking to open kindergartens, and North Rhine-Westphalia is also going its own way in some cases.

Everyone agrees that schools should reopen quickly after the closure ends. “That’s the last thing we close and the first thing we open. Education takes priority and stays that way,” says Chancellor Helge Braun.


In Bavaria from Wednesday Schools and kindergartens closed. Then there should only be distance learning and emergency care offers. For primary schools, Prime Minister Markus Söder announced – “if possible” – distance learning. Otherwise, emergency care will be arranged. Additionally, parents should be able to take additional paid leave. Söder announced emergency care options for everyone “in need.” However, in principle it also relies on the goodwill of employers. Education Minister Michael Piazolo said that emergency care would be handled very generously.


In Baden-Württemberg the schools closed from Wednesday to January 10. Graduate classes are taught remotely. “For the students of the other years, the decision is to equate it with early vacations,” he says in a press release. For him Grades one to seven and emergency care will be established for the children in the nursery if absolutely necessary.


Classroom teaching will be suspended in Berlin schools from Wednesday. At Primary level Emergency care is offered. Teachers decide whether class assignments and scheduled exams will be written at the school. After the Christmas holidays, only distance classes will be offered until January 8. Berliners Day care centers and day care centers only offer emergency care.


In Brandenburg, compulsory attendance is suspended in schools. Final classes and special schools are excluded. Alternate lessons, which has already been entered, will remain in place until the start of the holiday. From January 4 to January 10, most students will only receive distance lessons. But there is one Obligation to participate in distance lessons. Except for graduating classes too Special schools stay open.

Daycare centers in the preschool area do not close, but parents of daycare children are advised to watch their children at home.


Compulsory school attendance will be lifted on Wednesday. Parents and students of legal age can decide if they want to participate in face-to-face classes. Important exams must be written that were scheduled until December 18. Sleep in Bremen next open, but supervision should be possible in exceptional cases.


In Hamburg there is no longer compulsory attendance from Wednesday schools and next but it stays open until the Christmas holidays. Parents can choose whether to send their children to school or study at home. Holidays start regularly on Fridays. Today and tomorrow there are still normal classes, as School Senator Ties Rabe said.

In graduation classes and professional schools, exams can only be postponed if the students agree. In kindergarten there is a Emergency care insured. The playgrounds remain open.


In Hesse, classes for today and tomorrow take place as before. Parents can then decide if students should stay home. But you have to participate in distance learning. It is not possible to switch between face-to-face and distance learning. Only class work, exams, and other exams that cannot be postponed for graduation will be taken.

Lower saxony

In Lower Saxony the schools remain open, but the requirement to be present will be lifted until December 23. “Everyone who can stay home should stay home and learn there,” Education Minister Grant Hendrik Tonne said. It is sufficient to inform the school informally of the absence of children by phone, email or on paper. Tests, class work, and exams will be canceled starting Wednesday. Both of them next The rule is: if you can set it up, you must take care of your children at home, according to Lower Saxony.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania the requirement to be present has also been removed. Children in the Grades one to six You can stay home from Wednesday and receive homework for the following days. Schools remain open to children who cannot be cared for at home. As of today, stricter measures have been adopted in much of the state. Seventh grade students. These must be taught over the Internet. There are exceptions to this before Christmas in the city and in the Rostock district. These measures are initially planned until January 10.

next It should also remain open in principle. Also in this case, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig spoke in favor of parents leaving their children at home if possible.

North Rhine-Westphalia

North Rhine-Westphalia decided on the measures last week. the schools stay open until Friday inclusive, however, from the eighth year onwards, lessons are only taught remotely. Parents of children in grades one through seven can exempt their children from classroom instruction, but schooling remains mandatory. Students from special needs schools with special needs can also go to Grades eight and to be taught about it in their schools.


Compulsory school attendance is lifted for all students. All students receive study materials to study at home. The dates for the final exam the high school completion certificate, the middle school completion certificate, and the Abitur will be deferred. If necessary, there should be an educational offer for students up to grade 6. Parents should inform the school informally by Tuesday if their child will be attending school.


In Saxony, all schools and kindergartens are closed until January 8. Students are in what is known as learning time at home. the School attendance requirement it is canceled for this time. Emergency care is provided for the elementary level, as well as daycare and after-school daycare children.


Starting Wednesday, there will only be emergency care in schools and day care centers. This is not applicable for students up to sixth grade. Presence requirement, older students should learn from home. “It is recommended, whenever possible, to take care of children at home,” says the ministry. “Participation in face-to-face classes is not mandatory.” Exceptions are those that cannot be postponed for graduation. Exams and I work in class.


Years 1-7 may come to school today and tomorrow to receive offers of care or to withdraw informally from compulsory attendance at the school take leave and learn from home. From the eighth grade on there are no more lessons in the schools. At the moment, girls and boys only learn from home. With the new requirements, many students can stay home from Monday through January 10, for a total of four weeks. Pre-scheduled class assignments and exams, which count toward completion certificates, can be written in schools. If the infection rate allows, the face-to-face lessons on Corona’s regular operations should continue from January 11.


Since Wednesday the Face-to-face teaching suspended in all Thuringian schools. Schoolchildren will be taught “home learning” until December 22. This also applies from January 4-8. Classwork and exams that cannot be postponed for graduation in 2021 are excluded. For children in grades 1-6 and schools with special needs, emergency care is offered by appointment. Kindergartens and nurseries will also be closed, but there will be emergency care.


Rhineland-Palatinate will also suspend assistance on Wednesday. For him studentThey cannot be cared for at home until the beginning of the holidays on Friday, the schools remain open. Distance learning does not have to take place during these three days, the ministry said. After the holidays there will be distance learning from January 4-15. Classwork and exams scheduled until January 15 should be postponed if possible. The Abitur, the written exams begin on January 7, will take place as planned and with assistance in the schools. the next they remain open, but parents should make sure they are cared for at home if possible.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on December 14, 2020 at 2:42 pm
