After the blocking decision: a long-term perspective is required


The second blockade is a done deal and has the approval of all parties. However, the opposition is already referring to the time after that and is calling for a longer-term corona strategy.

Approval of the closure decision by the federal and state governments is widespread across parties.

In view of the continuing high number of new corona infections, Chancellor’s Head Helge Braun (CDU) called Additional ARD urges not to use the remaining two days before the lockdown in such a way that urban centers fill up with people.

Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) also called on people to refrain from buying Christmas gifts on Monday and Tuesday due to the risk of infection. “I wish and hope that people only get what they really need in terms of food,” he said in the “Bild” political talk. It is about the health of many. “The sooner we control these infections, the better it will be for everyone.”

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said on RTL that he was facing a natural disaster. “It’s like when Vesuvius erupts. You can only see that you are getting safe, and that is what we are doing.”

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller defended the Berlin reportthat the lockdown does not start at the beginning of the week, but only on Wednesday. The SPD politician said that families and businesses should receive a transition period. Parents should have the opportunity to organize the care of their children. “And you have to allow a day or two of transition,” Müller said. This also applies to retailers, who must prepare for many stores to close. “Retailers have adapted to the Christmas business, livelihoods depend on them, and you have to take it seriously,” said Müller, who is currently chairing the Prime Minister’s Conference.

The opposition demands longer-term planning

The opposition also views the closure as positive, but expresses the desire for longer-term planning. From now on, the lockdown should end on January 10.

The leader of the green parliamentary group, Anton Hofreiter, told the Rheinische Post: “For the next few months, we need planned action and a longer-term perspective. I hope that in January we will finally pass a law with a nationally binding phased plan. make it clear when and where the measures are applied. “

FDP chief Christian Lindner said on ZDF to look to the future and ask what a sustainable strategy could be. Given its consequences, the “emergency brake” could not be imposed until March.

Experts also advocate a long-term strategy. at Additional ARD said Hamburg virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit: “Of course, a lockdown is not a sustainable strategy, so the question arises how we can return children to schools safely.” The tests also played a decisive role there. “We just need the staff and of course the corresponding tests that can then be used there – these are important points to work hard on.” The development of a long-term strategy must begin immediately.

Block from Wednesday – initially until January 10

To break the second corona wave, stores across the country should close starting Wednesday. There are exceptions for supermarkets, pharmacies and other stores for daily necessities. Body care services like hair salons and cosmetic studios will also be closed. Medically necessary treatments, such as physical therapy, are still possible.

From December 16 to January 10, contacts in schools will also be significantly restricted. Therefore, schools are generally closed during this period or compulsory attendance is suspended. Emergency care is guaranteed and distance education is offered. A maximum of five family members, friends or acquaintances from a maximum of two households can still meet privately. Children up to 14 years old are excluded. Exceptions should be allowed for Christmas, depending on the infection rate.
