Donald Trump demonstrations increase: knife attack on several people, shooting


  • Delia friess

    ofDelia friess

    to turn off

Violent clashes broke out in two different Donald Trump demonstrations. Several people are seriously injured.

  • Donald trump: After Another Court Loss, Thousands of Trump Supporters Demonstrate in Washington.
  • Donald trump cheers on Twitter and check out the Trump supporters rally: Inside with a helicopter.
  • Trump News: All the news about him 2020 U.S. elections and Donald trump.

Update of Sunday, December 13, 2020, 3:25 pm: A total of four people were killed in a knife attack in Washington DC. The four people were seriously injured and, according to local authorities, are in “critical condition”. This is reported by the American news channel “abc News”. In addition, one person was shot at a side rally for Trump in Olympia, the capital of Washington state.

So far, the severity of the injury to the person shot is unknown, or whether the shots were fired from the ranks of the demonstration by Donald Trump, the counter-demonstration or by an outsider. According to media reports, the far-right “Proud Boys”, considered paramilitary thugs, also participated in both demonstrations.

A protester from the ranks of the right-wing extremist “Proud Boys” is arrested on the sidelines of the rally in Wasshington, DC.


Demonstrations for Donald Trump in Washington DC

First report of Saturday, December 12, 2020, 8:49 pm: Washington DC – On Saturday (December 12, 2020) Supporters Gathered: Inside the Elect President of the United States, Donald Trump in Washington and again demonstrated against the electoral result of 2020 U.S. elections. Several thousand protesters are said to have gathered in the center of the US capital, US media reported.

Donald Trump flies over a demonstration of his supporters: inside Washington.


The demonstration is apparently a consequence of the defeat of the Texan TriumphTeams before the Supreme Court of the U.S. The Texas lawsuit was another failed attempt to win the election results in favor of the Verlierers Donald Trump turn. The Supreme Court based its decision on the fact that Texas had no legal justification to intervene in elections in another state.

Donald Trump Flies Over Supporters: Inside Demonstration After Court Loss

Donald trump He also takes this opportunity to divide further: instead of accepting the judgment of the judges, some of whom he had previously appointed himself, he continues to cling to the allegations of the systematic electoral fraud firmly. So lively Donald trump the demo with a tweet on the social media platform Twitter. Apparently he didn’t know anything about the demonstration. At least that’s what your tweet suggests. “I didn’t know anything, but I’ll see you!” Triumph even on your Twitter profile.

Then he flew The american president the demonstration twice with a helicopter. According to reports from MSNBC, he was heading to an Army and Navy event.

Shortly after 2020 U.S. elections had thousands of protesters in Washington just under a month ago Donald trump demonstrated. The Republican had the November 3 elections against the Democrat Joe biden lost. Still denied Donald trump his loss to the 78-year-old man. Will also do it Triumph He never tired of repeating his accusations of systematic electoral fraud without being able to present evidence.

Supporters: Inside Donald Trump they demonstrate on December 12, 2020 in Washington.


Trump’s attorneys have yet to provide any evidence of massive fraud. Dozens of lawsuits were unsuccessful. The winner of the 2020 U.S. elections, the Democrat Joe Biden, will be sworn in on January 20 in Washington. It is speculated on whether Triumph will be present at the opening ceremony or if Donald Trump is planning a spectacular outing. (Delia Friess with dpa)

Header listing image: © STEPHANIE KEITH / afp
