Coronavirus live ticker: +++ 06:56 Hessen relies on mobile home vaccination teams +++


To immunize as many older people as possible against the corona virus, mobile vaccination teams must visit nursing homes and nursing homes in Hessen. Depending on the size of the area, between three and ten mobile teams will be needed per city or district, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry said. The staff come from the same group as the employees of the 28 vaccination centers in Hesse. In the case of corona vaccines on site, the respective GPs or family doctors of the residents of the house must also participate.

+++ 06:19 Consumers barely accumulate drugs +++
Hamster purchases in the Corona crisis were not only made for toilet paper, pasta and soap, but also for medicine. Demand for over-the-counter medications and cold remedies that skyrocketed in the first crown lock has now waned. This is reported by various pharmaceutical companies. Consequently, despite the partial lockdown in autumn, consumers in Germany have barely stockpiled drugs recently. Demand for over-the-counter cold and allergy medications, which increased in the spring, has normalized, said Dax’s group, Leverkusen-based Bayer. However, there is still a great demand for dietary supplements, especially vitamin preparations with which consumers want to strengthen their immune system. There are no problems meeting the demand.

+++ 06:05 RKI reports 20,200 new infections +++
In Germany, more than 20,000 new coronavirus infections were recorded in one day. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced in the morning, citing information from the health authorities, 20,200 new cases of infection were registered in 24 hours. Last Sunday around 17,700 new infections were registered. According to the RKI, the number of deaths per crown increased in one day by 321 to a total of 21,787. Since not all health authorities transmit data on weekends, the number of cases reported by the RKI is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays than on other days of the week. The highest figures to date for Germany were reported on Friday with 29,875 new infections and 598 deaths from corona.

Note: The RKI figures generally differ slightly from the case data that reports daily at night. The data team at has direct access to the federal state registration figures published by the ministries and local authorities. The RKI, on the other hand, is linked to legally prescribed reporting channels, which can lead to a delay.

In addition, the respective daily values ​​map different recording periods: the ntv assessment collects the country information published at night and uses it to calculate a daily status of the number of reported cases, which is generally published as of 8 pm The RKI’s recording system, on the other hand, takes into account incoming reports until midnight, and the current status of the data is announced the next morning.

+++ 05:34 The real estate industry fears that cities will lose face +++
The real estate industry in Germany has called for aid programs for German cities. “With the impending closure, retailers and hotels are increasingly disappearing from urban centers without being responsible for the hotspots of the pandemic,” said Andreas Mattner, chairman of the Central Committee for Real Estate at the German Press Agency. Companies were no longer able to cope with sales losses in retail alone of up to € 1 billion per day in the core business for the year. The result is the loss of businesses and jobs between tenants and landlords. “Our cities are losing their face and their function.” For each day lost in sales, the same compensation rules should apply as for the restaurant industry.

+++ 04:22 1.6 million people worldwide died of or with Corona +++
More than 70.5 million people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus. 1.6 million died from or with the virus, according to a Reuters poll based on official data. The United States is the worst affected with almost 16 million infections and 300,000 deaths.

+++ 03:11 Brazil presents vaccination plan +++
Brazil wants to vaccinate a good quarter of the population against Covid-19 in the first half of 2021. A document sent to the country’s Supreme Court indicates that initially 108 million doses of vaccine will be available. About 70 percent of the population, 148 of the 212 million Brazilians, would have to be immunized to stop the spread of the virus. Experts criticize the statements for hastily crafting them with errors in the details of possible vaccines. The Supreme Court had given the government a deadline to make arrangements for vaccines. The Brazilian Ministry of Health reports 43,900 new infections and 686 more deaths in the last 24 hours. In total, there are almost 6.9 million infections and 181,123 deaths from the virus in the country.

+++ 01:43 Country star Charley Pride dies from the consequences of Covid-19 +++
American country singer Charley Pride died in Dallas at the age of 86 as a result of a Covid-19 disease. This was announced by her family on the website of the most famous African-American country star. The Mississippi-born Pride had dominated the music scene between the 1960s and 1980s with a multitude of hits. His best known songs include “Kiss An Angel Good Morning” or “Please Help Me I’m Falling”. Pride was the first African American to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.

+++ 00:18 Schäuble expects a change in vaccination priorities +++
The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, is still waiting for changes in the order in which the population of Germany should be vaccinated against the corona virus. “The recommendation of the experts will certainly be refined,” said the “Welt am Sonntag” CDU politician. “Personally, I would prioritize people who have to work with infected people or who have to do with the elderly and infirm. They have an extremely high risk of contracting Corona. And if there are too many doctors and nurses missing, they stand their ground. We are faced with a big problem “. Last Monday, the Permanent Commission for Vaccination (Stiko) sent a draft to countries and medical societies. Therefore, it is recommended that vaccines be offered initially to groups of people at particularly high risk of severe or fatal disease progression, as well as to groups who are particularly exposed at work or who have close contact with groups of people. risk. So far there is no approved vaccine in the EU.

+++ 23:22 Estonia reports high level of new corona infections +++
In Estonia, the number of new corona infections has reached a new record. The Tallinn National Health Authority reported 760 positive tests in 24 hours. The previous record was 561. In total, almost 18,000 infections have been recorded in the EU Baltic country since the start of the pandemic. Estonia, with its 1.3 million inhabitants, has seen a significant increase in new infections since autumn. According to the EU authority ECDC, development is currently worse than in Germany. The government has imposed new protective measures to contain the pandemic.

+++ 21:35 Current data status in Germany: 23,267 new cases reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,310,408. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by, 23,267 new cases were added. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 378 to 21,681. Around 330,686 people are currently infected.

Last Saturday there were 18,081 new cases and 329 registered deaths. The data comes from 15 of the 16 federal states. As always, Saxony does not report any numbers during the weekend.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.15 (previous day: 1.02). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 115 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.17 (previous day: 1.11). According to the Divi Register, 4,491 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2,542 of whom are ventilated. Around 4,886 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics. You can read more about the most important corona data here.

+++ 20:30 Italy now has the highest number of crown deaths in Europe +++
Italy replaces Great Britain as the country with the most crown deaths in Europe. Authorities in Rome report 649 new deaths, the total number of deaths per corona since the beginning of the pandemic rises to 64,036. The UK currently has a total of 64,026 deaths related to corona infection. According to the Robert Koch Institute, there have been 21,466 corona deaths in Germany so far. Globally, only the United States, Brazil, India and Mexico are more affected than Italy.

+++ 20:03 Legendary pilot of a 100 year old raisin bomber infected with Corona +++
100-year-old raisin bomber pilot Gail Halvorsen is infected with the corona virus. However, so far he has not been seriously ill, says his daughter Denise Williams of the German press agency. “We pray that it will have a moderate result.” The former American pilot who lives in the US state of Utah and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, among other things, turned 100 in October.

He was one of the pilots who, a few years after World War II, supplied West Berlin, which had been sealed off by Soviet troops, from the air for months with food and coal, among other things. It was Halvorsen’s idea to launch candy for children on the Berlin airlift. The young pilot, who meanwhile has 5 children, 24 grandchildren and 59 great-grandchildren, was the first “candy bomber” to become a symbol of the disaster relief operation. His nickname became “Uncle Wobble Wing” (Mr. Wigglywing).

+++ 19:22 Chiemsee: All residents of a nursing home infected +++
In Gstadt am Chiemsee, all residents of a nursing home have tested positive for the corona virus. Infections have also been found in nursing staff. According to the responsible district office in Rosenheim, twelve employees are under quarantine. 11 of the 54 residents were taken to the hospital. The home is now supported by first responders and doctors.

+++ 18:50 Kreis Görlitz reports an incidence of 654.07 +++
In the district of Görlitz in eastern Saxony, the 7-day incidence skips the value of 650. On Saturday, the district reported 654.07 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. Currently 4011 people are infected with the coronavirus in the district. The Robert Koch Institute had given the incidence for the district in the morning as 457.8. The difference arises from the reporting delays.

Due to the high number of infections in other districts of Saxony, the state government decided on Friday more stringent crown measures. Therefore, schools, day care centers and after-school care centers will remain closed, as will many retail stores. In particularly affected areas, there should be exit restrictions between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Read here the news of the day before!
