Since Monday? Since Wednesday? Since Saturday? – The great struggle for the confinement – internal politics



In reality, SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz (62) wanted his party to be in the mood for the 2021 elections yesterday.

But Corona’s dramatic situation – 28,438 new cases and 496 deaths Saturday – thwarted his plans. The Vice Chancellor used his speech on a digital switchboard in front of hundreds of SPD members to prepare Germany for difficult times.

Today, the prime ministers, the federal chancellor and the vice chancellor decide on a second strict blockade for all of Germany. “It will be difficult for the retailers, the men and women who work there, for those who have started businesses, it will be difficult for the children, the parents, the young and the old,” Scholz said. But it is necessary “that we act quickly and decisively.”

The Finance Minister was in constant telephone contact with the SPD Chancellor and Prime Minister.

Topic: When does the harsh blockade start and who has to close it all?

At 8 o’clock yesterday night, the large teleconference began between the heads of the state chancelleries (closest employees of the prime ministers) with the head of the chancellery, Helge Braun (48, CDU). In this round, the paper that the country’s leaders will finally discuss with the Chancellor from 10 am today was elaborated.

Yesterday, the prime ministers left no doubt that the hard blockade will come.

► Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans zu BamS: “Now we have to unite: the hard blockade will come, quickly and everywhere in Germany!”

► The Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer (45, CDU) refers to the situation in hospitals: “The beds are running out and we cannot continue like this, because otherwise we can no longer guarantee medical care.”

Today is the day of decision. BILD am SONNTAG explains the trouble spots.

Point of time

As the first federal state, Saxony will start a tough shutdown starting tomorrow, closing all shops (except supermarkets and pharmacies). The countries led by the Union want to do the same as the Saxons. “We need a hard block now. And as soon as possible, “Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (53, CSU) told BamS. He calls for action” before the middle of the week. “” We no longer have time to wait. The delay time must be over. “.

A lightning lock is designed to prevent people from robbing businesses at the last minute. But the countries led by the SPD remain against it. They warn that an immediate shutdown will take citizens by surprise. Furthermore, such an urgent regulation could not enter into force in court until Monday morning. That happens Wednesday at the earliest. Some countries even want to keep stores open until the end of the week so that Christmas shopping can be arranged.

Gunnar George, managing director of the Depot chain of stores (650 branches) also warns: “A quick and hasty closure, starting next Wednesday, for example, would cause panic and total chaos, because then everyone wants to go to the city quickly to buy gifts.. “


One thing is clear: supermarkets and pharmacies can stay up. Most likely, pharmacies and bicycle repair shops too. There are discussions as to whether the DIY stores will remain open because of the craftsmen. However, furniture stores will have to close. The Christmas tree stands can stay upright. Eating to go is still possible for restaurants. The sale of mulled wine could be prohibited. It is not clear whether hairdressers have to close (in Saxony they are considered a basic requirement and are therefore allowed to open during full closure).

The financial consequences are dire: Downtown retail has to close in the middle of the important Christmas season and is losing huge amounts of revenue.

The trade association sounds the alarm, sees hundreds of thousands of jobs threatened. “Under normal circumstances, December is the most important month of the year, in the pandemic it is a total failure,” says Stefan Genth, general manager of the trade association. “Around 560,000 employees work in the key retail sectors of the city center, between 150,000 and 250,000 of these jobs are seriously threatened.”

So the state could help

Genth demands: “If the stores are closed, they must be compensated with 75 percent of the sales of the previous year. That already requires equal treatment. A shutdown without compensation would massively destroy jobs. “

Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (62, CDU) had already rejected compensation as in the catering sector and does not want to pay 75 percent of sales, but only fixed costs. Prime ministers fear that trade could sue for unequal treatment. Compensation for retail sales (1 billion euros per December day) would be very expensive.

School lessons

When it comes to school, there is broad agreement: lessons should take place, but if possible from home.

Daycare closures are discussed and emergency care must remain in any case. In all federal states (except Thuringia and Bremen) the holidays would start on Saturday. Now it is being discussed whether to advance to Wednesday. An extension of the holidays until January 10 is now highly unlikely, instead, distance learning will be organized from January 4.


The truth is that the prime ministers are negotiating night curfews between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

During this time, the house should only be left “for good reason”. It is not clear whether it should apply to all districts (as in Baden-Württemberg) or only to districts with an infection rate of more than 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per week (this is how Saxony, Hesse and Bavaria do it). So far, there is a curfew for hotspots, which would currently be 109 districts and cities out of a total of 401.

Christmas Eve and New Years Eve

The current contact restrictions for five people from a maximum of two households (excluding children under the age of 14) will certainly not be relaxed on New Year’s Eve.

The exception for Christmas (ten people) is also on the verge. To prevent old people’s homes from being closed, Berlin plans to make the use of FFP2 medical masks mandatory. A total ban on the sale of firecrackers is under discussion.

Since Monday?  Since Wednesday?  From Saturday ?: The great fight for the confinement
