Despite Corona and demonstrations: the mayor of Frankfurt encourages Christmas shopping


Despite Corona and demos
The mayor of Frankfurt encourages Christmas shopping

While the “side thinker” demonstration in Frankfurt is banned due to the large number of corona cases and many people fear the lockdown, the city’s mayor is calling for Christmas shopping. A virologist is so shocked by this statement that she expects a joke from April Fool.

Despite the growing number of corona infections and numerous announced demonstrations in downtown Frankfurt, Mayor Peter Feldmann lured people into Christmas shopping with cheap public transport tickets this Saturday, and received criticism for this. For example, Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek wrote on Twitter: “Today is April 1? ???”

A large demonstration against the Crown’s measures was banned, but numerous counter-protesters still wanted to take to the streets. Feldmann had already announced on Friday that everyone in Frankfurt could travel on Saturday with a cheap ticket for children instead of a single ticket for adults. “With this offer we allow passengers on the Saturday before the third Advent to travel economically with a children’s ticket in Frankfurt to do their Christmas shopping,” says the mayor.

Now Feldmann has softened his own statement on Twitter a bit: “If you are planning Christmas shopping in Frankfurt for today, I ask you: inquire about the current situation, avoid crowded squares and streets,” he wrote. “And: Consider alternatives to the city center. There are also great shopping in our districts.”

The ban on a demonstration announced with 40,000 participants of the “lateral thinkers” was confirmed today by the Administrative Court of Hesse in Kassel in second instance. The judges justified it with a high risk of infection. Meanwhile, the initiators of Telegram announced that they wanted to go to the Federal Constitutional Court. Numerous counter-demonstrations were also announced. The “lateral thinkers” had also asked their followers to come to Frankfurt despite the ban and record spontaneous meetings. The police are there with hundreds.
