The federal and state governments want to discuss the shutdown on Sunday


The federal and state governments want to discuss more measures in the corona pandemic Sunday morning. According to information from BR, there will be an exchange conference of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers starting at 10 am. For a long time there was uncertainty about the exact time.

Measures already reinforced in some federal states

A decision on a nationwide lockdown is expected. Some federal states have already decided to tighten cuts in public and private life. In Baden-Württemberg, for example, stricter regulations will apply from Saturday. The Saxon state government decided on Friday night a hard shutdown starting Monday, with school, kindergarten and business closures. In Bavaria, Prime Minister Söder spoke in favor of closing public life as soon as possible.

New infections reported by health authorities in the last 24 hours jumped from Thursday to Friday by more than 6,000 for a total of 29,875. 598 deaths were reported. Both were new highs.
