Trump’s defeat: Supreme Court dismisses Texas election lawsuit


The United States Supreme Court has thrown out a Texas lawsuit designed to prevent Trump’s electoral defeat. It’s the next serious setback for the current president, and probably the last.

The United States Supreme Court has given President Donald Trump another defeat in his fight against his defeat in the presidential elections: The Supreme Court rejected a complaint by the American state of Texas against the election results in four decisive states that night.

The judges declined to address it because Texas had no right to interfere with the electoral organizations of other states. In Texas, Trump had won a majority in the November 3 presidential election. The state filed a complaint against the results of official elections in Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Tuesday. The results are “unconstitutional,” as “fraud-prone” mail-in votes were tallied.

Many Republicans had supported the lawsuit.

Trump had high hopes for the complaint, saying it was “very strong.” He asked the Supreme Court to be allowed to comment on the proceedings initiated in Texas. The complaint was supported by 106 Republican deputies and 18 attorneys general.

The complaint had little chance of success, since one state cannot interfere in the electoral process in other states. Additionally, Texas did not provide clear evidence of voter fraud or file a lawsuit against the election results in high absentee states where Trump won.

The conservative majority in the Supreme Court does not help Trump

Trump has repeatedly expressed his hope that the Supreme Court can help him fight his electoral defeat. On the Supreme Court, the conservative camp has a clear majority of six to three justices. Three of the attorneys were appointed by Trump, most recently Arch-Conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Trump suffered a heavy defeat on the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The Supreme Court dismissed, without giving any reason, an urgent motion seeking allies of the president-elect to overturn the outcome of the elections in the key state of Pennsylvania.

Trump has been talking for weeks about an alleged election fraud that should have helped his Democratic challenger Joe Biden to victory. The Trump camp, however, failed with a series of lawsuits against the election. All states have already certified the election results. In the election, Biden secured 306 out of a total of 538 voters who ultimately elect the president. The former vice president needed at least 270 electoral women and men for an electoral victory. On January 20, Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president in American history.
