That was the big day of giving in the NDR programs |


Status: 12.12.2020 12:32 am

Hinnerk Baumgarten in the call center for the NDR Talk Show.  © NDR Photo: Arne Vollstedt

Hinnerk Baumgarten is happy with the willingness of North Germans to donate.

NDR’s charity campaign “Hand in Hand for Northern Germany: Help from Corona – Together for the North” supports people who are in particular need of it because of the corona pandemic. Numerous celebrities and NDR employees got on the phones on the day of the big donation and took their calls. Thank you for more than 3.48 million euros! 100 percent of the campaign proceeds benefit Caritas and Diakonie projects in the north. You can still donate after donation day, the account is open until January 31, 2021.

Donation day in NDR programs

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Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Nikolaus Schwerdtfeger is on the donation phone at the Lower Saxony State House of Broadcasting.  © NDR Photo: Axel Herzig

For NDR’s “Hand in Hand for Northern Germany” charity campaign, many celebrities sat on the phone to collect donations. Image gallery

Featured Guests at the Mano a Mano Donation Day at the Landesfunkhaus Kiel.  © NDR Photo: Bernd Hauschildt

The NDR is once again collecting donations for a good cause and taking a little behind-the-scenes look at the campaign’s big donation day. Image gallery

Annett Renneberg on the donation phone © NDR Photo: Jan Baumgart

Celebrities accept their donations on the big donation day for NDR’s “Hand in Hand for Northern Germany” charity campaign. Image gallery

NDR 90.3 presenter Carlo von Tiedemann on December 11, 2020 on the hand-to-hand donation day for North Germany.  © NDR Photo: Bert Beyers

Many celebrities are sitting today on the big donation day of “Hand in hand for North Germany” for their calls on the donation phone NDR 90.3. Image gallery

Akki bosses in the

“Hand in hand across northern Germany”: “Aki” Bosse, Linda Zervakis and other celebrities, as well as colleagues from NDR 2, were there. Image gallery

Jens Riewa in the call center for the NDR Talk Show.  © NDR Photo: Arne Vollstedt

NDR’s charity campaign ends with the NDR Special talk show. The most beautiful images of the night from the studio. Image gallery

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