Federal states are calling for a swift decision on a nationwide crown lock


Now things could go fast: in view of the sharp increase in the number of infections and deaths, more and more state governments want to decide on a drastic shutdown before Christmas.

The Saxon Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), considers essential “a change of attitude in a large part of the population” in the crisis of the Crown. He was still receiving emails with requests to relax the applicable corona measures, Kretschmer said in Aue on Friday. “It is a complete misunderstanding of the situation Germany is in today.” It had become clear to him that “completely different, very clear and authoritarian measures on the part of the state” were now necessary.

“It is no longer enough that we send out reminders,” Kretschmer said. Social life must rest. In Saxony it is already certain that a harsh blockade will begin on Monday: without it, the prime minister sees medical care at risk. More and more hospitals in the Free State no longer have free intensive care beds.

Laschet: “We can’t wait anymore”

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) is calling for a national closure “as soon as possible”. “We can’t wait any longer,” Laschet said in Düsseldorf on Friday. The planned crisis summit between the federal and state governments on the further fight against Corona should better meet on Saturday rather than Sunday.

Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has again questioned the planned nationwide easing of crown measures during Christmas. Kretschmann said in Stuttgart on Friday that he could imagine state heads of government would shorten the relaxation period due to the sharp increase in infections. If something changes, “we should do it together again,” emphasized the Green politician.

Kretschmann sees a consensus among prime ministers and expects a nationwide lockdown: “So you can take that. The population can adapt.” From Saturday, strict exit restrictions will apply in Baden-Württemberg.

Söder: Act as fast as possible

In view of the sharp increase in crown figures, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has also spoken in favor of an immediate shutdown. “We have to act as quickly as possible,” CSU chief said on Friday in an appointment with Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) at the future Corona vaccination center in Nuremberg. The federal and state governments would now have to consider bringing the holidays early and also closing stores earlier. “One day less does not worsen the quality of life, but it can help.”

The heads of state governments want to discuss stricter crown rules with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) again at the weekend. Several states have already announced stricter measures, most recently Baden-Württemberg, a lockdown and curfews. Söder emphasized that the “South” would also act, if not everyone participates.

Söder insists on a regulation at the level of Germany

Söder had already announced this week that Bavaria would support a national shutdown. However, he repeatedly insisted on a regulation for the whole of Germany and also on the necessary financial help from the federal government. On this friday Söder explained his strategy in an exclusive interview with t-online.

The number of new corona infections reported in Germany in one day peaked at 29,875, as figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show on Friday.
