State plans at a glance


Calls for a quick shutdown nationwide are getting louder. In some federal states, restrictions are already tightening without help. Here you can read what blocking plans you have.

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In view of the growing crown numbers in Germany, a hard lockdown before Christmas is increasingly likely. Over the weekend, probably Sunday, the federal and state governments should discuss tightening the measures again. Some prime ministers do not want to wait any longer and are already taking the initiative. This is the state in the respective federal states:


Prime Minister Daniel Günther announced that he would like to take further action as soon as possible. Contact restrictions will be tightened, from ten to five people from two households. This should also apply to Christmas, except for the closest family. Even hotel stays for family visits at Christmas should now be banned. In addition, a ban on alcohol in public will be introduced.

Beginning Monday there will no longer be face-to-face classes for eighth graders and parents can have their children at home even in the lower grades. There are no official restrictions on childcare, but Günther appealed to parents to see if home care is possible.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig expects a shutdown following the meeting of the federal and state governments over the weekend. She has yet to announce her own plans.


There are also no plans to blockade from Hamburg. The Senate will only decide on Tuesday, after the federal-state summit, he said.


The same is true in Bremen: there are no plans to tighten the crown measures here either.

Lower saxony

The state government is expected to pass a new ordinance on Friday or Saturday that will reverse the planned easing during the turn of the year. The current contact restrictions will only be relaxed for ten family members plus children under the age of 14 from December 24-26. Further toughening cannot be ruled out, but wants to wait until after the federal-state summit, a government spokeswoman said on Friday.


Prime Minister Woidke announced that a significant tightening of corona measures should be adopted in the next week. The cabinet meets on Friday and a new regulation will be approved on Tuesday. He was expecting the meeting of prime ministers and the federal government over the weekend, Woidke said previously.

According to a report from “BZ”, strict daytime exit restrictions are planned with exceptions for work, shopping, daycare and school visits and a nighttime curfew. Stores must close with exceptions for daily necessities beginning December 20. In addition, there will be school closings from the seventh grade starting on December 16, with the exception of final grades, the closure of markets, the prohibition of alcohol in public and the restriction of border traffic with Poland. The German press agency confirmed the report.


The ruling mayor, Michael Müller, has announced a tighter shutdown. Most stores will be closed and the school holidays will be extended over Christmas. It is not yet clear when the measures will be applied: it put into play on December 20 for a national shutdown. The Senate is due to discuss the plans Tuesday.


The government of Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff really just wanted to discuss a tightening early next week. However, it was decided on Friday to limit visits to nursing homes and nursing homes to one person a day.


As the government of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer announced on Tuesday, the previously applicable partial blockade will be tightened from next Monday. Schools, nurseries, after-school nurseries and many stores will be closed. Grocery stores and basic necessities stores must remain open. Due to the large number of infections there, Saxony was the first federal state to announce a tightening.


At a special meeting Friday night, the state government decided to toughen up the measures. Beginning December 19, most retail and service businesses will need to close. Exceptions are, for example, grocery stores, drug stores, and hair salons. There is also a ban on alcohol in city centers and outdoors.

Distance learning and learning at home will also be introduced in schools for grades one through six. This will initially apply on December 21-22, 2020 and between January 4-10, 2021. Athlete training and non-school educational events from December 14 to January 10 are also prohibited. Hospitals are asked to postpone all non-mandatory operations if necessary to care for Covid-19 patients. Individuals who need nursing home care can only receive one permanently registered visitor per day.

Also, a mask requirement must be applied in church services until January 10. Public celebrations, such as New Year’s Eve, will not take place this year. Additional regulations for holidays and possible exit restrictions will be decided in the next week after the federal-state summit.


Prime Minister Volker Bouffier assumes heavy restrictions after the Christmas holidays at the latest. He hopes for regulation at the national level, currently there are no specific plans for each state.

North Rhine-Westphalia

Prime Minister Armin Laschet is calling for a national shutdown “as soon as possible.” The planned crisis summit between the federal government and the states should “meet better on Saturday” than on Sunday. Laschet appealed to close operations now until January 10. At NRW, the lockdown will be even tighter than in the spring, he said Friday. Among other things, DIY stores should no longer be able to open.

Face-to-face teaching will be suspended in all schools for older classes starting Monday. For students in the younger grades, a “regular offer” should be made, Laschet said. But parents can have their children at home. Family Minister Joachim Stamp appealed to parents to only use the nurseries if absolutely necessary and to leave their children at home if possible.


Prime Minister Malu Dreyer on Thursday spoke in favor of a blockade during Christmas days. Nothing has been decided yet.


Prime Minister Tobias Hans’s cabinet is holding a special session on Friday to discuss the toughening of the measures.


Strict exit restrictions apply from Saturday. As Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann said in Stuttgart, leaving home from the weekend is only allowed for valid reasons. This also includes shopping and meetings for up to five people from two households. After 8pm, the exceptions are even more restricted. Visits from friends and family after 8:00 p.m. are only allowed between December 23 and 26. The measures are applied initially for four weeks.

Kretschmann also expects a national shutdown after the meeting of the federal and state governments over the weekend. If this is not followed, the measures will toughen up on their own with neighboring countries, the Prime Minister said.


Prime Minister Söder wants a hard blockade before Christmas: “We have to act and as soon as possible,” Söder said on Friday. Wait for regulation at the national level. Söder emphasized, however, that the “South” would also act if not everyone participated.

On Friday, the Robert Koch Institute again announced more new infections with the corona virus than ever before: 29,875 new cases were added. That’s more than 6,000 more than the day before, when a record 23,679 cases was also reached. Additionally, the RKI reported the second highest in a short period of time with 598 new deaths. The highest daily death toll of 590 was reached on Wednesday.
