“Fridays for Future” blocks Greens headquarters in Göttingen | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


As of December 11, 2020, 4:32 pm

These days, the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement marks the fifth time. On this occasion, climate activists from “Fridays for Future” (FFF) are demonstrating today throughout Lower Saxony.

In Göttingen, activists from the FFF and other environmental groups have been blocking the Green office since Friday morning. The action will be manifested for a radical climate policy and against the destruction of the Dannenröder forest in Hesse, said the local Göttingen group “Fridays for Future”.

From the Opernplatz to the Landtag

In Hannover, the demonstration started at 3.30 pm at Opernplatz and, according to the organizer, led through the stone gate to the state parliament. “The Paris Agreement is five years old, but so far nothing has happened,” said one of the organizers, Gina-Marie Burgdorf. The politicians reportedly “filled their ears with promises and lies” and signed an agreement “that they would not fulfill.”

FFF demos in Lower Saxony

  • Osterholz (8 am): Flyer campaign on Bahnhofsstraße
  • Göttingen (1 pm): Human chain in front of the goose bastard
  • Osnabrück (2:30 pm): Human chain in the pedestrian zone
  • Hannover (3:30 pm): “Walk of Shame” demonstration running from Opernplatz through the city center to the state parliament
  • Winsen (4:00 pm): Lantern procession in front of the Town Hall
  • Penalty fee (5pm): candlelight campaign in front of the town hall
  • Braunschweig (5:00 p.m.): Candle campaign at Schlossplatz
  • Lüneburg (5pm): Candlelight campaign in the city center
  • Rested (all day): churches must be irradiated with a CO2 watch and theses must be attached to the town hall

Protest on wednesday

Young activists took to the streets of Hannover on Wednesday. Together with the Green Youth, they demonstrated against the country’s new climate law. In front of the state parliament, three activists donned masks on the faces of Environment Minister Olaf Lies (SPD), Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) and Economy Minister Bernd Althusmann (CDU) and played football with a symbolic balloon . “Dear GroKo, don’t play with the dirt,” they said. “With this climate law, the grand coalition is blurring the window,” said Emily Karius of “Fridays For Future” Lower Saxony.

More information

Fridays for Future activists wearing masks of Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (M, SPD), Lower Saxony Minister of the Environment Olaf Lies (l, SPD) and Lower Saxony Minister of Economy Bernd Althusmann (CDU) kick an inflatable balloon in front of the Lower Saxony state parliament during a climate protest.  © picture-alliance Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

The SPD and CDU passed the law by majority. Fridays for Future demonstrated in front of the building. plus

Fridays for Future protesters sit and play.  They wear masks.  © dpa Bildfunk Photo: Peter Steffen

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Participant of the

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Braunschweig Regional | 11/12/2020 | 6:30 a.m

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