Federal and state talks on Sunday: on the threshold of the second lockdown


With nearly 30,000 new corona infections, a new record has been reached. Other states are announcing a tightening ahead of a new federal-state round on Sunday, and are pushing for a solution at the national level.

13 days before Christmas Eve, the crown numbers in Germany have reached a new record: health authorities transmitted 29,875 new infections in 24 hours, according to the latest figures from the Robert Koch Institute. That’s more than 6,000 more than the day before, when a peak of 23,679 cases was also reached.

Altmaier talks about an exponential increase

With the measures recently decided by the federal and state governments, the infection process cannot be controlled. There are increasing calls for further tightening. There is an exponential increase in the number of infections, said Federal Minister of the Economy Peter Altmaier. “We have to act now.”

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer does not want to wait until after Christmas to tighten the crown. “The only possibility to regain control of the situation is a blockade, but this must happen immediately,” the CSU politician told “Spiegel”.

New decisions could be made on Sunday. According to the state government of Baden-Württemberg, then there will be another discussion between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states. The chancellor last insisted on a tough lockdown in the general debate in the Bundestag on Wednesday.

Lockdown in Baden-Württemberg

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann has already announced that his country will go into lockdown after Christmas until at least January 10. He also wants to announce this on Sunday. If a solution cannot be found at the national level, it will strive for a joint solution with neighboring federal states, he said.

Schwesig wants a uniform approach

The head of government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, is also pushing for them to continue to tighten, and especially at the national level. You’re promoting this position, even though there are low-incidence regions in your state, Schwesig said im ARD morning magazine. “Closing retail, for example, only makes sense if it’s uniform across the country.” Acting early also helps the economy, “because if we act too late, we have too many sick and dead, but also too much economic damage,” Schwesig emphasized.

He also warned that at Christmas people “would travel through Germany.” Your state has already issued strict entry rules. There you can only visit the family nucleus.

Tighten in Thuringia

The Thuringian cabinet, which also has a high number of infections, decided to take new measures for the Free State on Thursday night. Commercial and service companies, with the exception of grocery stores and basic necessities stores, “as long as the Conference of Ministers-Presidents does not make any prior arrangements,” must close by the end of December 18.

Ruling Mayor Müller also announced significant restrictions for Berlin on Thursday. The Senate wants to address it next Tuesday. Müller also wants to coordinate with Brandenburg.

“The situation in Saxony is dramatic”

Harder cuts have already been made in Bavaria or Saxony, for example. In Saxony schools, kindergartens, after-school kindergartens and many shops will close from next Monday. “The situation in Saxony is dramatic,” says local Economy Minister Martin Dulig. It is a matter of life and death.

In Bavaria, stricter rules such as exit restrictions, a ban on alcohol in city centers and curfews at hotspots have been in place since Wednesday. Prime Minister Markus Söder is also confident in commonalities between countries. “I advise them to take a unified approach and hopefully the Prime Minister’s Conference,” the CSU chief told the t-online news portal.

More than 20,000 deaths

In total, the RKI has counted 1,272,078 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic. Around 942,100 people are estimated to have recovered.

With 598 new deaths, a second high was reached in no time. The highest daily number of 590 deaths was reported on Wednesday. The total number of people who died with or with a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection increased to 20,970.

According to RKI’s management report on Thursday, the national seven-day R-value was 1.03 (previous day: 0.99). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 103 more people. The value has fluctuated around 1 for a few weeks and represents the infection process eight to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection rate decreases.
