Crown in Germany: Sunday’s decision on a tough national blockade – politics


The moment of truth arrives on December 13!

The federal and state governments want to decide on a further tightening of the crown crisis at a high-level meeting between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime minister on Sunday.

Media: Then it will be decided whether or since when the harsh national blockade will take place!

This stems from information provided by the Baden-Württemberg state government. At the same time, the state government announced that it would order a total shutdown by January 10.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a new record on Friday with 29,875 new corona infections in Germany. Another 598 people died in this country within 24 hours of or with the corona virus. In total, this number is 20,970.

The RKI gives the incidence of seven days in the whole country at 156.3. The value indicates how many people have recently been infected per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. The federal and state governments target is a value of 50.
