They are sentences that should scare us and feel guilty …
The ruling mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (56, SPD), was angry on Wednesday in the Berlin House of Representatives: “How many deaths is a shopping experience worth for us?”
Even more: “How many deaths do we want to accept for a pleasant visit to a restaurant, for a dinner by candlelight? How many killed by a movie? I want to listen specifically to those who constantly criticize. “
▶ ︎ In plain language: Müller considers all gift buyers to be potentially dangerous. Because they could have Corona undetected and then, in turn, infect salespeople or other customers undetected.
Photo: dpa
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/michael-mueller-56-spd-16bcd7b571fb4a44b942662f4738be6e-74411272/Bild/1.bild.jpg “/> Michael Müller (56, SPD)Photo: dpa
Müller, of all people, who had barely checked the “blocking light” in Berlin for weeks, which had failed across the country. He watched the number of infections skyrocket in the capital districts of Neukölln and Mitte (more than 200 infections / 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, the so-called incidence).
Now Müller only has a psychological war to reduce the numbers. The tactic: blame citizens for failed measures.
Anxiety researcher Borwin Bandelow (68, University of Göttingen) discusses Müller’s speech on death at BILD: “You can hear someone who got angry because his city is particularly affected because he himself is accused of not doing enough to have.”
But the SPD man is not the only one using tactics like this.
► The dance was indirectly inaugurated by the Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU), which warned in the Bundestag on Wednesday about the risk of contagion before “last Christmas with grandparents.”
Photo: dpa-Zentralbild
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/sachsens-ministerpraesident-michael-kretschmer-45-cdu-560755258bda42c58f7258dbfbb18bbc-74411316/Bild/1.bild.jpg “/> Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (45, CDU)Photo: dpa-Zentralbild