Coronavirus Live Ticker: +++ 05:20 Müller expects a three-week lockdown from December 20 +++


The ruling mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, assumes that the federal states will agree with the federal government on a strict three-week lockdown. It becomes clear, also in discussions with colleagues from the federal states, “that from 20 there will be significant cuts” and the retail sector will be closed “significantly”, Müller tells ZDF. School holidays would have started anyway, many people were no longer going to work, and local transport would be quieter. “Between December 20 and January 10, we have practically three weeks of massive restrictions, which will surely also lead to a drop in incidence,” said the SPD politician, who is also president of the conference of prime ministers.

+++ 05:11 Dreyer warns about corona tourism +++
Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer advocates a coordinated federal-state approach to new closures, for example in retail. “This is necessary because otherwise we would experience corona tourism between countries with and without blockade, which would be counterproductive,” says the SPD politician of the “Rheinische Post”. It is important to agree on a common line for the whole of Germany. “Mandatory protection measures” should also be established at the national level for the elderly and nursing homes.

+++ 05:58 Kretschmer defends plans for night curfew +++
Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer defends the planned night curfews. “The soft means have not worked,” says the CDU politician of the dpa. Therefore, in view of the increasing number of infections, only “strict government measures” remain. Accordingly, night curfews are planned between 10 pm and 6 am This is provided by the new Crown Protection Ordinance, which the cabinet wants to pass on Friday. “Everyone who then moves down the street can be approached and they have to explain themselves,” Kretschmer said. An exception is the way of working, and there should be no night curfew on Christmas and New Years Eve. Medical care is not negotiable. “Saxony has to go ahead with this now,” he said. He will also represent the position at a possible meeting of the country’s leaders with Chancellor Angela Merkel before Christmas. Hospitals are full. Anyone who wants to see that sees it too. The others would now have a “broadcast break.”

+++ 04:44 Federal Medical President Warns of Excessive Lockdown Expectations +++
The director of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, warns of excessive expectations of a hard block. Reinhardt told “RedaktionsnetzwerkDeutschland” that he was in favor of shutting down public life between Christmas and January 10. “But it is an illusion to believe that with a tough 14-day blockade starting on Christmas we will be able to control the pandemic. After the end of the blockade, the number of infections would increase again with the reduction. The federal and state governments would have to act in a way. uniform With a patchwork of regulations, there is a risk that popular approval of necessary restrictions will be lost.

+++ 04:23 American star presenter Ellen DeGeneres infected +++
The American presenter and actress Ellen DeGeneres was infected with the corona virus. “I wanted to inform you that I tested positive for Covid-19,” the 62-year-old wrote on the online platform Instagram. “Fortunately, I feel good right now.” All the people with whom he was in closest contact had been informed. DeGeneres is known for the sitcom “Ellen”, among others. In 1997 he caused a stir when he was one of the first television stars to go public with his homosexuality. Since 2003 he has hosted a talk show named after him.

+++ 04:23 PM Hans advocates a strict lockdown +++
Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans has announced a special cabinet meeting for this Friday due to the sharp increase in crown numbers. You will discuss the consequences for the state. “We have to act so that the numbers do not continue to increase, we owe it to the people of our country and to the employees of our health system,” said Hans. He also needs courageous action across the country: “To control the situation, a tough blockade is necessary.”

+++ 03:42 Chairman of the EKD board: strict lockdown protects human lives +++
The President of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, understands the stricter contact regulations during the Christmas holidays. “If tight lockdown is necessary to protect human life and limit the spread of the virus, then I think we cannot avoid tight lockdown,” said ARD’s Bedford-Strohm. One must take seriously the recommendations of the Leopoldina Academy of Sciences according to stricter rules. “If the protection of life, if the charity that is expressed in it, if that is paramount and part of our message, then the Christmas message includes that we obey the rules that prevent people from dying.”

+++ 03:10 Bolsonaro sees Brazil already in the final phase of the pandemic +++
Despite the rising number of infections and deaths, Brazil’s right-wing extremist president Jair Bolsonaro sees his country at the end of the corona pandemic. “We are at the end of the pandemic,” Bolsonaro said during a visit to the city of Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil. “Compared to other countries in the world, our government was the best or one of the best to deal with it.”

In Brazil, nearly 180,000 people have already died as a result of Covid 19 disease; only the US has more deaths per corona. The current case numbers also do not support Bolsonaro’s claim. After Brazil recorded more than a thousand deaths per crown per day from June to August, last month there were only around 300 deaths per day. Meanwhile, the number has increased significantly again, this week there were more than 800 deaths per corona every day.

+++ 02:37 Baden-Württemberg massively tightened the measures +++
Baden-Württemberg wants to continue shutting down public life in the state due to the uncontrolled rise in corona infections. For example, a night curfew and daytime exit restrictions are anticipated for the beginning of next week, the German Press Agency reports, citing a conversation between the green-black state government and municipal umbrella organizations on Thursday.

+++ 02:25 IW: Partial lockout costs retailers up to € 16.9 billion +++
According to one study, the partial closure since November has cost inner-city retailers up to € 16.9 billion. The background is that significantly fewer people entered city centers than a year ago, according to the “Funke Media Group” in the German Institute of Economics (IW) study. In November, the frequency fell 44 percent, in December even 49 percent. “If retail closes quickly, the economic damage will be even greater in December,” said IW expert Christian Rusche. The winner of the whole development is especially Amazon. Even before Corona, the internet retailer was responsible for 48% of online sales in Germany. “In 2020, the importance should have increased again.”

+++ 01:39 Possible past Christmas parties find criticism on NRW +++
Parent-teacher representatives in North Rhine-Westphalia speak
object to bringing forward the Christmas holidays again. “The two extra days of vacation don’t take us any further,” says Andreas Bartsch, president of the North Rhine-Westphalia teachers’ association, of the “Rheinische Post”. It is questionable whether the students would actually go into quarantine so as not to infect their relatives with the corona virus at Christmas. The president of the state parent conference, Anke Staar, expressed a similar opinion. Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for the holidays to begin on December 16.

+++ 00:50 The Israeli government lifts the night curfew shortly before Hanukkah +++
Israel cancels the planned night curfew shortly before the Hanukkah festival of lights. As long as the number of new infections each day is less than 2,500, no new restrictions will be imposed, the government said. More recently, the number of new infections was just over 800, according to the Health Ministry.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced earlier this week a nightly curfew from the first day of the Hanukkah festival of lights on Thursday. The measure was criticized by the population and health experts for being ineffective in the fight against the pandemic. Shortly before the start of the Jewish holidays, the government withdrew the project.

+++ 00:06 FDA commission recommends Biontech corona vaccine +++
A committee of experts from the US FDA recommends emergency approval of the corona vaccine from Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer. The body votes in a public meeting for approval in the United States, which could now be decided quickly. The vaccine has already been approved in the UK, Canada and other countries, and the EU is currently under review for emergency approval.

+++ 23:27 Pfizer requests regular approval of the vaccine +++
Pfizer plans to apply for regular US approval for its vaccine developed with Biontech in April. This was explained by a Pfizer representative in a hearing with the US FDA Both companies have already applied for emergency approval.

+++ 22:46 Turkey reports new maximum number of deaths +++
Turkey recorded 220 deaths in one day, a new record. According to data from the Ministry of Health, 30,424 new infections were also reported. Therefore, the total number of deaths is 15 751. The exact number of total infections is unknown because Turkey only published symptomatic cases for four months.

+++ 22:04 New German high: 26,775 new infections reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 1,259,442. As is clear from information from state authorities evaluated by, 26,775 new infections were added in 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the infection increased from 509 to 20,765. Currently, some 316,000 people are infected.

The current daily increase in newly recognized cases means a new German record since the start of the pandemic. With nearly 3,000 more cases, it’s even well above the previous high of Nov. 20, when the federal states recorded 23,856 new infections in one day. Therefore, no change in trend is perceived after a total of five and a half weeks of “blocking light.” Here you can read more about it.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has an infection rate (R-value) of 0.90 specified (previous day: 0.91) This means that an average of 10 infected 9 infect other people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.03 (Previous day: 0.99). According to the Divi Register, 4,339 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 2505 of whom are ventilated. Around 4,753 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

Read the news of the day before here.
