Brussels Summit: new EU sanctions against Russia and Turkey


In addition to the new budget, the EU summit also agreed on new sanctions against Russia and Turkey. The measures against Moscow are simply being expanded, the new sanctions against Ankara are above all a threat.

The EU will impose new sanctions on Turkey. The reason for this is the unauthorized Turkish gas explorations off Cyprus, as emerged from a decision of the heads of state and government at the EU summit in Brussels. The penalties could affect both individuals and companies involved in test drilling that is considered illegal. The Council of Ministers will finally decide them and include entry bans and property freezes.

There will be no sanctions against entire branches of the economy or an EU arms embargo for the time being. The appropriate demands due to the persistent confrontational policy of the Ankara government did not find the necessary unanimous support.

More sanctions in March?

Depending on the decision made overnight, more far-reaching steps could be initiated at the next regular EU summit on March 25-26 next year. Until then, the EU Commission and the Foreign Service should work out more options for action. They are also expected to present a report on the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the political and economic relations between the EU and Turkey.

Turkey has been criticized primarily for its controversial gas exploration in offshore areas off Cyprus and near the Greek islands. The provocations in the conflict over the partition of Cyprus and the violations of the UN arms embargo against Libya are also considered unacceptable. Turkey rejects the accusations.

Due to gas exploration off Cyprus, the EU had already imposed entry bans and asset freezes on two executives of the Turkish energy company TPAO in February. Already in 2019, it was decided to restrict the allocation of EU funds and suspend negotiations on an air transport agreement. So far, none of these measures have had a visible effect.

EU summit also extends economic sanctions against Russia

EU leaders had previously extended economic sanctions against Russia by six months due to the conflict in Ukraine. Because the Europeans did not see any progress in implementing the Minsk Agreement for Peace in Ukraine, an extension was expected.

The EU imposed the sanctions after the MH17 airliner was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014. They are aimed at Russian state banks, the import and export of armaments and the oil and gas industry. The sanctions had already been extended several times, most recently until January 31, 2021. The EU Council of Ministers has yet to confirm the decision for the next six months, but this is considered a formality. The sanctions would continue to apply until the end of July 2021.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 10, 2020 at 8:00 pm
