Stop dangerous developments: Schleswig-Holstein will also face a tough lockdown


Stop dangerous development
Schleswig-Holstein is also in a difficult lockdown

After Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein is also pulling the emergency brake: the state is entering a hard lockdown, at the latest by Christmas. When other countries follow it is now only a matter of time.

In view of the increasing number of infections, the Schleswig-Holstein state government wants to significantly toughen its course. We need “to enter a hard lockdown before Christmas at the latest, in order to use the time during the turn of the year to stop this dangerous development in Germany,” Prime Minister Daniel Günther said in Kiel. The numbers continued to rise in the north “and that unfortunately means that our strict measures are not having a sufficient effect.”

In her government statement, Chancellor Angela Merkel had urgently and pleadingly warned to intensify efforts in the fight against Corona. According to the state government, 314 new corona cases were recently reported in Schleswig-Holstein in one day. The country has been a risk area since Sunday because the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants had risen to more than 50 in the last seven days. But the regional differences are great. Also, the federal state in the north is still doing well in a national comparison, even with these numbers.

The previous day, Saxony had announced that it would close kindergartens, schools and much of the retail sector starting next week. The measures must be applied until January 10. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer had declared, given the high number of infections in the Free State, that “the country should rest.”

According to Prime Minister Markus Söder, Bavaria is also aiming for a hard blockade, but wants to wait for a vote with all countries. Berlin is now exploring other steps as well.

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet is also pushing for a common line for all countries. “I suggest that we use the time between Christmas, New Years and the first days of the new year as a precaution, to have more air to breathe afterwards,” he told ntv. The CDU politician was also sure that there will soon be a renewed understanding between the Chancellor and the federal states and hopes for a speedy understanding. “I hope that soon we have clarity.”
