Donald Trump before the end: an important deadline has passed – Here he has lost three times


  • Christian stör

    sinceChristian stör


Donald Trump still does not want to admit defeat in the election. But December 8, 2020, is an important day for Joe Biden on his way to the White House.

  • December 8, 2020 is the “Safe Harbor Day” – By Joe biden Y Donald trump an important day.
  • Biden’s path to be sworn in as The american president – this is how it goes United States Follow.
  • US Election News: All information and background.

Update, 5:06 pm: On Tuesday (December 8, 2020) the „Safe Harbor“ – Deadline since. The term denotes one for the 2020 U.S. elections Important deadline, the deadline for “safe haven” as it is translated. the Safe Harbor Deadline it will eliminate all “dying nests of hope,” including the remaining electoral deniers, “CNN” expert Elie Honig says of the day.

Because if the states have reported their certified results to Washington by then, the United States Congress will consider them “final.” On these certified results of the 2020 U.S. elections can the US-Kongress then it will no longer have any influence. In fact, every state in the US except Wisconsin met the deadline and reported their election results. With this, Joe Biden’s victory is officially certain.

Donald Trump has lost three times in Georgia. (File photo)

© Evan Vucci / AP / dpa

2020 U.S. Elections: Why December 8, 2020 is an Important Day for Donald Trump and Joe Biden

However, it is not a binding deadline for the US states.In theory, Congress could also decide who the electorate would turn to in a state that does not have the results by December 8 and the results are in dispute. So far only Wisconsin has that “Safe Harbor” -Frist Can’t keep.

In case of 2020 U.S. elections However, the controversial US states have already certified their results: Georgia (November 20), Michigan and Pennsylvania (November 23), Nevada (November 24), Arizona (November 30, 2020) have the Democratic Challenger. Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris won.

“Safe Harbor Day”: A Bad Day for All Trump Supporters – Inside

Each state is expected to officially announce its election result at the end of the day. Washington reported, as reported by the Washington Post. Except Wisconsin, which, with 10 voters, shouldn’t be particularly significant anyway. The results of the state’s official elections are expected at a later date. Democrats also lead in Wisconsin. The one of Donald trump Lawsuits against the results were unsuccessful. Despite these claimed failures Donald trump In addition, he won the elections and maintains complaints of systematic electoral fraud that have already been refuted.

Safe Harbor Day: Why Donald Trump Should Congratulate Joe Biden On His Election Victory Today

Update, 2:20 pm: Today is a special day in America, at least for Donald trump Y Joe biden. Because today is running “Safe Harbor”-Date from the deadline for the “Safe haven”. On this day all the legal disputes surrounding the 2020 U.S. elections be cooped up. And as the AP news agency reports, nearly every state in the US has submitted their certified results to Washington on time. This means that the law requires Congress to accept the votes of the electorate cast on December 14 in Electoral College and sent to Washington for the census on January 6. At the Electoral College, Biden is officially elected as the new president.

Single Wisconsin has failed to keep the “Safe Harbor Day” date. That does not mean that the ten votes expire. However, it allows parliament to challenge the vote in the Midwest state, which Joe Biden won by nearly 20,000 votes. In all other states in the US, this is no longer possible. Joe biden So basically you already have more than the 270 votes you need to win the election. by Donald trump on the other hand, the election is definitely lost with today’s deadline.

Donald Trump takes another loss in Georgia before “Safe Harbor Day”

First report of December 8, 2020: Washington – Usually December 8 is in United States just a normal day on the calendar. But this year is different. Because he still sees himself Donald trump only deprived of his victory in the presidential election of November 3 by massive fraud. “The election was totally rigged,” he announced yesterday at a White House ceremony. But your efforts to correct the result now should finally have no chance of success.

Why is that? Well, December 8, 2020 marks the “Safe Harbor Day”, the Safe harbor day. If states have reported their certified results to Washington by then, the US Congress will consider them “final.” After that, Parliament no longer has any influence on these results. Basically, this means that the individual states’ decision can no longer be effectively challenged as of this point, nor by Donald trump nor by his legal team, the Strike Force, led by Rudy giuliani.

The deadline is not binding, but the six particularly controversial states have already certified the results; in all of them they have done so accordingly. Joe biden and his vice candidate Kamala harris Won: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia. In the last mentioned state, Trump has lost three times: the first recount directly after the election, the recount required by law for the tight result, and the recount requested by Trump. The electoral director of Georgia He confirmed for the third time that the state will pass to Joe Biden. Brad Raffensperger defended the integrity of the vote: “I know there are people who are convinced that the election was fraught with problems. But the evidence, the actual evidence, the facts tell us a different story. ”

Donald Trump Will Continue To Demand Election Results After “Safe Harbor Day”

Again, this certification does not necessarily mean that Trump team from now on the torrent of their complaints will end. Neither the certification of the results nor the numerous defeats in court have so far prevented Trump or Giuliani from opposing the Election victory for Joe Biden Continue. So why should they stop now just because a law stipulates that a state’s decision after the safe harbor date must be “final”? the Rudy Giuliani crown infection at best it should cause delays.

Joe Biden Becomes President: What’s Next?

On December 14, 2020 the Voters in the respective states together for im Electoral College to cast their votes for the president. These voices are certified, sealed and then, among other things Mike pence as president of the Senate and the Federal Archives in Washington. They must be received there before December 23. On January 6, the House of Representatives and the Senate will meet to count the votes of the states and announce the result. The winner is whoever can unite at least 270 of the 538 voters. According to preliminary results, Biden has 306 voters, Trump has 232.

Can Donald Trump still win in the end?

Donald trump Don’t tire of talking about your electoral victory. When he recently awarded former wrestler Dan Gable the “Presidential Medal of Freedom,” Trump flatly asserted that he, like Gable, had a good fighting record. Not in the ring, but in politics, where he has won twice and is 2-0. You are likely to hear these lies even after “Safe Harbor Day” on December 8, 2020, even if their fight for electoral victory has formally ended at the latest. (Christian Stör)

Rubriklistenbild: © Evan Vucci / AP / dpa
