Saxony-Anhalt: Reiner Haseloff stops raising license fee


For weeks there has been a dispute in Saxony-Anhalt over the state treaty to increase the transmission fee. Now there is a decision. According to information from SPIEGEL, Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) has stopped the increase in contributions by withdrawing the bill from the government and thus avoiding a vote in the Magdeburg state parliament. He announced it at the cabinet meeting that morning.

This means that the state treaty, to which all other states have already given their approval or announced, will not be ratified before the end of the year due to Saxony-Anhalt. This means that the price of the license cannot increase from € 17.50 to € 18.36 on January 1. Broadcasters can take legal action. It has previously announced that it will take legal action if the State Treaty is not ratified.

Coalition saved for the moment

For weeks, the CDU, the SPD, and the Greens had argued about the planned increase. The CDU parliamentary group wanted to vote against ratification in the state parliament. With the votes of the AfD they would have a majority. The SPD and the Greens, on the other hand, wanted to ratify the treaty. They threatened the end of the coalition if there was a joint vote between the AfD and the CDU in parliament. The situation in the coalition had recently deteriorated dramatically. On Friday, Haseloff removed Interior Minister Holger Stahlknecht, who later announced his retirement from the CDU state leadership.

The dispute between the Magdeburg coalition has been cleared up for the time being, thus preventing the end of the coalition. The three coalition partners met for the last time on Monday and only agreed that they could not reach an agreement. “Under normal circumstances, this would be the time to leave such a coalition. However, these are not normal conditions at this time. The pandemic situation in Saxony-Anhalt is dramatically worsening day by day, ”says Cornelia Lüddemann, chair of the green parliamentary group.

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