Weather: Be careful in Munich: Warning issued for the night: Will it snow in a few days?


Munich recently had its snow premiere in 2020. More recently, official weather warnings were also in effect for the state capital.

Update from December 7, 8:49 pm: the Weather in Munich it was dry and gray on Tuesday. For the next night he has German Weather Service (DWD) now one warning published. Will be before Frost warned at temperatures of minus four degrees. Tomorrow Tuesday (December 8) this will be evident Weather then similar to today: gray, dry and cool. According to the forecast of the meteorological portal, the thermometer reaches a maximum of two degrees wetteronline.

The German Meteorological Service warns of frosts in and around Munich.

© Screenshot: German Weather Service

By Wednesday (December 8) then pave the way wetteronline after the next Chance of snow for Munich to. the Portal predicts rains that will last all day. A The snow cover now a support of a few centimeters seems possible.

Update on December 7 at 10:12 am: For now it is the official warning since German Weather Service (DWD) cancelled. It shouldn’t be long until next time. For Tuesday night, the DWD predicts “regional fog or high fog” in Bavaria.

Be with me again until the wee hours of the morning snow expected, but only in select alpine valleys. “In some places” you have to open up smoothness established, he told himself. Therefore, Munich drivers and cyclists should exercise caution on Tuesday mornings.

Weather: Official warning for Munich: snow, frost and darkness expected

Update on December 7 at 6:33 am: Winter is not only approaching, it is already in the middle Munich arrived. It is currently snowing in the state capital at 0 degrees. The German Meteorological Service warns of slippery conditions due to freezing humidity and light Nevada. also can Black ice around Munich occur. The warnings are valid until 10 am In the course of the day it should again be a little smoother.

Update from December 6, 1:09 pm: Sunday appears in Munich so far cloudy and dry. But that is changing according to the portal wetteronline In the course of the afternoon. Be from 4 pm Rain forecast that will initially come from the sky in the form of sleet. But starting at 6 pm, snowfall is expected in Munich with a probability of 80 percent. the German meteorological service therefore has an official warning published. In Munich there is a light snow warning until 6am on Monday morning (December 7). Frost and slip warnings are also issued.

Update on December 5 at 4:42 pm.: Cloudy sky, cold and from time to time Sleet – On Saturday, the weather in Munich so far has been uncomfortable. Similary winter cloudy it stays the same next night and Sunday. Tonight and tomorrow morning there are again in the state capital and in Bavaria. Frost, at temperatures of minus three degrees. This is reported by the German Weather Service (DWD). Due to the light snowfall, there is still an official one for Munich. German Weather Service Warning In front. This is valid until 6am on Sunday morning. During this time there may be light snowfalls with amounts of snow between one and five centimeters.

A weather warning still applies to Munich.

© Screenshot / DWD

Update from December 5 at 9.43 a.m. M.: It will be cold on the weekend, but before that there were mild temperatures again in Munich and on the edge of the Alps (see update of December 4). Now it could be winter: there is an official one for the state capital German Weather Service Warning before a light snowfall. It says: “During the alert period, there is light snowfall with amounts between 1 cm and 5 cm. Amounts of up to 10 cm are obtained in retracted positions. It will spread without problems ”. The warning remains valid until six in the morning on Sunday.

You can see how it looks in other regions of Germany here. *

Weather: “Foehn Storm” in the Alps, then extreme weather is coming

Update on December 4 at 9:40 am.: Before the weekend turns wintry and snowy, the weather kitchen goes wild again. Climb in Munich and on the edge of the Alps Temperatures back to a very mild seven or eight degrees. The reason: hair dryer. Comes in the alps kachelmanwetter even after a “Foehn storm“Which can bring strong winds down to the low elevations north of the Alps. He too German meteorological service have a warning published. In all the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, from Allgäu to the Berchtesgadener Land, is warned of “strong gusts of wind”. Occurs above 1,500 meters strong gusts of wind at speeds between 80 km / h and 100 km / h from the south. In exposed places should be with hurricane gusts around 110 km / h.

Weather: Warning from the German Meteorological Service! Winter comes after a storm

But already on Saturday night the temperatures in Munich and Bavaria fall again to the minus three degrees. The foehn storm takes off and makes way for big Rain massesthat come from heaven, especially in the Alps. But also Munich is affected (see 7.35 am update)

Update on December 4 at 7.35 am.: Friday is here and the question remains the same: Can I come with me to Munich and its surroundings? snow is the weekend expected? The answer is more and more concrete: it seems that the flakes can be expected to reach the city. The portal wetteronline estimates the probability of snowfall on Saturdays, Sundays and even Monday a whopping 80 percent. Should be general several inches of snow can give.

Weather: The Snow Hammer is coming; the weekend will be cold and wet

The portal too is optimistic: in addition to the “Snow bomb“, Which reaches the alpine region at the weekend (see first report of December 3) with permafrost also on the edge of the Alps. further Nevada north of Franconia and the lower German mountain ranges.

Update on December 3 at 5:10 pm: A snow roller is on its way to Germany and also to Bayern. So the question is not if it will come, but how strong it will be. Meteorologists from the meteorological portal have to North italy Y Südtirol already massive Rain foretold. At higher altitudes there should be up to four meters of fresh snow. In the lowlands, it can rain up to 600 liters per square meter on the weekend. Much more to come in a year Sedan down.

Climate: Munich can count on snow: winter bites Bavaria

From such amounts of rain remains Munich but saved. The question posed by climate expert Franziska Polak is how much Regenerate or snow it even reaches the state capital. TO Deep wenke There is a problem. “It is not the usual track in snowy areas,” he writes in the Meteorological portal. So be one forecast about Snow amounts, that fall locally, “particularly complicated”. “The track of the low pressure complex is currently a real uproar,” continues the meteorologist. the Munich So you will have to wait until Saturday at the latest to see if you have to remove the snow shovels.

Weather in Munich: stay icy until Friday

(First report of December 3, 2020) Munich – On the night of Monday to Tuesday (December 1) the time had come: the first snowflakes of the year arrived in Germany. Especially in Bavaria and at the higher elevations in the east and in the middle, one might expect “sugary” roofs and landscapes on Tuesday morning. But Whats Next? Will remain in Munich for the moment cold as ice. The weekend you have to be in Bayern, specially in southern Upper Bavaria, in turbulent Weather adjust.

Weather: The “snow bomb” is coming: the Alps must be prepared for extreme weather

The weather in Munich remains calm on Thursday (December 3). TO Temperatures The weather can be seen from a high of two degrees during the day and down to minus three degrees at sunset. calm and dry. But just one day later, on Friday, one will be exciting weather forecast. In Munich goes up According to the thermometer, to seven degrees before returning to the weekend snow you can count. But the topic “Snow” they turn out to be much larger. In the Alps there is a “Snow bomb“.

Weather: Munich in a turbulent winter situation, from a mild Friday to a frosty weekend

Dem Meteorological portal According to him, he should be there on Saturday in no time. big rain that fall from the sky in the form of snow. Meteorologist Kai Zorn does it alone Weather channel even more specifically: up 300 liters per square meter are possible here. During the weekend, the heavy rains will also move to a lesser extent north towards Bavaria.

You have to count on snow all the way to Munich, but here you are still in the realm of speculation: it is not yet possible to say exactly how the clouds will move. Even if the Alps are not far from the state capital, the situation seems to calm down until Munich. At the moment the Snow probability wetteronline after 70 percent calculated. * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers.

List of rubrics lists: © Peter Kneffel / dpa
