US elections: Georgia confirms Biden’s victory for the third time


US President Trump has been fighting Joe Biden’s election victory for weeks. Now he has to accept another setback: Georgia’s electoral director has confirmed for the third time that the state will go to the Democrats.

Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the US state of Georgia has been confirmed again. The state’s electoral director, Brad Raffensperger, re-certified the results, saying: “We have counted the legal votes three times and the results have not changed.”

After Election Day, votes in Georgia were counted for the first time, so Biden won the state. Because the gap between Biden and Trump was relatively small, Raffensperger requested, as required by law in Georgia for such cases, a hand count. There, too, Biden’s victory was confirmed. Georgia law also allows the loser to recount the votes if the gap between candidates is up to 0.5 percentage points. President Donald Trump, defeated but still in office, requested this. During this scan count, discrepancies appeared in some districts, requiring a renewed on-site certification. Later, Raffensperger had to reconfirm the results at the state level.

Clear facts

Raffensperger, like Trump’s Republican, defended the integrity of the vote: “I know there are people who are convinced that the election was fraught with problems. But the evidence, the real evidence, the facts tell us a different story.”

Trump still refuses to acknowledge his defeat and has tried in several states to delay the official determination of the results beyond the electoral process or in court. Without having proof, he goes on to say that there has been widespread electoral fraud.
