Another US electoral defeat for Trump: third vote recount also confirms Biden’s victory in Georgia – politics


Barr is considering resigning before the end of Trump’s term

US Justice Minister William Barr is considering yours based on consistent media reports Resignation before the end of Donald Trump’s term in office in January. Barr could announce his retirement before the end of the year, the “New York Times” reported on Sunday (local time) on three unidentified people. The CNN news station confirmed with its own source that Barr’s resignation considerations existed.

Barr is considered a close ally of Trump. Trump had publicly shown his disappointment with his minister last week. The reason for this was his statements in an interview in which he had commented on the result of the elections, which Trump had questioned. Barr said he had not seen any evidence of fraud to the extent that it could have led to a different election result.

Trump then left open whether he wanted to retain Barr and called the Justice Department a “disappointment.” When asked by a reporter if he still trusts Barr, Trump said, “Ask me that in a few weeks.”

Trump nominated Barr as attorney general in December 2018 after Jeff Sessions tendered his resignation at Trump’s request. Barr has yet to make a final decision, but he is not a person to accept harassment and turn the other cheek, the anonymous source told CNN.

The current Trump does not recognize the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden even weeks after the vote and presents himself as the victim of massive electoral fraud. It has not presented any reliable evidence in this regard, but continues its efforts to overturn the result with legal action. (dpa)
