Corona: Are Söder’s strict rules for Bavaria getting everywhere now? – Domestic politics


Germany has been in partial lockdown for five weeks, waiting for relaxation over Christmas. They could largely be canceled!

Bavaria is rushing forward: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) declared disaster on Sunday and instead tightened measures with a tough 10-point plan.

For Bavaria, this means: change of lessons at school, prohibition of alcohol in the open air and: instead of from December 23 to January 1 as in the rest of Germany, only ten people plus children can celebrate family celebrations together from the 23 to December 26.

The Bavarian state parliament has yet to approve the plan, Söder told reporters on Monday. Basically I wanted a lock like in the spring, only the visiting rules were different from then.

This is how he justified his plan: the partial blockade had only brought partial success, waiting would not bring any improvement. Söder: “If you are convinced that you have to act, then there is no point waiting.”

▶ ︎Partial lessons at school: “We are reducing the number of students by a third, especially among older students.” With the latter, the number of infections is high.

▶ ︎No relaxation on New Years: New Year’s Eve is “just a party and not a sensual celebration,” says Söder. This justifies the fact that there is no rest like Christmas, the “most important holiday of the year”.

▶ ︎Alcohol ban: Söder wants to “strictly control” that.

The basic motto is: “Stay home.” It’s also about attitude. The second Corona wave is the “most insidious,” says Söder, also because it has a stronger psychological effect than the first. It also threatens political stability, he said indirectly. Söder: “Even the presidents were removed from office because of Corona.”

o Should crown measurements be significantly hardened at critical points? Click here for the BILD Survey for App Users

Söder had already said in the ARD “Morgenmagazin” about his tough plan: “It is not what we want, but we have to do what is necessary”. After all, the number of new infections just isn’t decreasing, but there are more and more deaths. “We just can’t accept that, so we have to act,” Söder said.

In Mannheim gibt es die Ausgangssperre schon – bald könnte es an vielen weiteren Orten Ausgangssperren gebenPhoto: RONALD WITTEK / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock

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They already exist in Mannheim; soon there could be curfews in many other places Photo: RONALD WITTEK / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock

Curfew in Bavarian hot spots

And: Bavarian hot spots have a nightly curfew! Media: Between 9 pm and 5 am, citizens can no longer leave their apartments if the state parliament approves this plan! Except for Christmas: then the curfew will only be lifted for religious services after 9pm

But politicians in the other federal states and at the federal level also want to discuss the December rules again, mainly with the aim of tightening them.

►In front: SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach, who also has the Chancellor’s audience. Support Markus Söder and call for a national shutdown.

The prime minister’s next conference is scheduled for January 4, but the chancellor and state leaders could meet earlier.

Braun to BILD: “If the countries were ready for another Crown summit, we will be there immediately,” said the Foreign Minister. Because: “The federal government has been saying all the time: we want to do more.”

Chancery Chief Braun: Critical Points Must Adjust

In the BILD talk “The Right Questions,” Chancellor Helge Braun emphasized the goal of the measures: to reach fewer than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents per week. “If you restrict very consistently, that’s something you can do in three weeks.”

Braun admitted that the goal of breaking the second wave had not been achieved with previous concepts. “Because such a lockdown does not work in the long term, we have to readjust things at least at critical points,” he announced.

All of Germany has been a risk area since Sunday: more recently, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, the two countries with the fewest infections, exceeded the incidence threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days .

There are always counties that even exceed the threshold of 200 new infections. Saxony is currently particularly affected.

Map: German Crown Hot Spots - Infographic

Braun to BILD: “At least at critical points, we will have to make the fit very clear.”

The death toll also increased

Every region, every federal state, and every district must have a dynamic that rapidly falls below 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week. If there is a willingness on the part of the states to do something together against the hotspots, then the federal government will be there immediately, said the head of the Foreign Ministry.

Politicians are concerned not only by the persistently high number of new infections, but also by the increase in the number of deaths as a result of the coronavirus infection. The previous high was recorded with 487 deaths last Wednesday. Braun cautioned against getting used to such numbers. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) said: “We are currently talking a lot about how we celebrate Christmas. These people will no longer celebrate Christmas. ”

Saxony could also pull out and squeeze

Other federal states are also considering moving away from relaxation during the holidays. Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) said on the ZDF program “Berlin direkt” on Sunday evening that it had to be “readjusted” at critical points. “We speak in government about the options that exist. We will certainly make more decisions in the course of this week. ”

“We must not take risks, not even on New Year’s Eve”

Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier said in the ARD “Berlin Report” on Sunday evening that he believes a curfew is necessary for incidence values ​​above 200. Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left ), was quoted by the Funke media group as saying: “There will be no relief for Christmas and New Years Eve.” The cabinet should discuss this on Tuesday.

Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) had warned in the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “One thing is clear: we must not take any risks, not even on New Year’s Eve.” Chancellor’s chief Braun emphasized that the outreach through New Year’s Eve was intended for people who have to work on Christmas. However, this regulation should not be a gateway for millions of people to celebrate New Year’s Eve parties. Braun announced holiday visits through 27/28. December limit.
