German Crown Hotspot: Rain is shifting to distance learning


One actually tried to react early, Regener’s district administrator Rita Röhrl (SPD) explained at a press conference on Sunday about the soaring crown numbers in her district. The incidence value (RKI numbers) on Sunday is 581.3 and brings rain to the crown bastion of Germany. But despite the first restrictions in October, the second wave could not be stopped, the district administrator said.

From the point of view of the SPD politician, one of the reasons could be that some contact persons have not been given to avoid quarantine. In the next few days, the district will likely also exceed the incidence value of 600, Röhrl said. Although many infections can be identified in nursing and disability facilities, as well as in a hospital, a considerable part of the infections is diffuse, that is, incomprehensible.

Schools take distance learning

Therefore, the already applicable anti-crown measures will be tightened again, although exit restrictions already apply and although stricter rules will apply throughout Bavaria from Wednesday. “None of this is fun, but the district has to act on these incidence figures,” Röhrl said at the press conference.

Specifically, probably starting Wednesday, all schools in the district should completely switch to distance learning. Until then, they will speak with the relevant authorities and organize emergency care. The reason given by the district administrator Röhrl was the way to school, often by public transport, which could lead to infections.

Border traffic is restricted anyway

In addition to distance education, the district’s workshops for the disabled will also be closed. In addition, compliance with hygiene concepts will be more closely monitored in service companies that are still open, as well as in homes. In the future, visits to care centers should only be allowed by a specific person for 30 minutes. And only after a test result and with an FFP2 mask. There is even a ban on visiting the houses that are particularly affected.

Small border traffic, i.e. crossings for shopping or refueling, between the Czech Republic and the district is already restricted by Bavarian measures. He welcomed the district administrator Röhrl, who recognized a certain connection between the number of infections and the proximity to the Czech Republic within the district.

Very overwhelmed clinics

The effects of high corona numbers are also clearly evident today in the district clinics. Christian Schmitz, director of the local Arberland clinics, reported that currently eleven of the twelve available intensive care beds are occupied by Covid 19 patients. They organize more beds, but they need staff and supplies.

Additionally, around ten percent of the workforce is currently not ready for use due to corona infections or quarantine measures. As a result of this development, no new patients will be admitted to the Zwiesel site at this time. However, further processing takes place on site.
