Donald Trump in Georgia: “You want a communist form of government”


Air Force One on the tarmac, the successful YMCA shoots up: a production like in the hot phase of the presidential campaign. For the first time since his electoral defeat, Donald Trump spoke to some 5,000 supporters in Georgia. The performance is intended to support the re-election of the two Republicans David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler to the United States Senate …

O-Ton Donald Trump, President of the United States >> This election was rigged, and we cannot allow it to happen again, for something like this to happen to the two most respected people in Washington <<.

The second round of the elections on January 5 in Georgia will have a majority in the United States Senate. If the Democrats can win both seats in Georgia, there will be a deadlock in the Senate. Then Vice President-elect and Democrat Kamala Harris, who is also Speaker of the Senate, would have the last word in the event of a tie. That would be a horror scenario for Republicans. If you believe Trump’s words, the United States would be politically on a par with North Korea.

O-Ton Donald Trump >> Voters in Georgia will determine which party leads each committee, writes each bill, controls every taxpayer dollar. You will decide if your children will grow up in a socialist country or in a free country. And I tell you: socialism is just the beginning for these people. They want more than socialism. They want a communist form of government. I have no doubt about it. <

Trump doesn’t seem like too grotesque a means to shake up the presidential election result. The party mates feel it too.

Under the shouts of “stop the theft” from his supporters, Trump attacks the Republican governor of Georgia, who in his opinion did not support him enough.

O-Ton Donald Trump >> Your governor could easily stop you if he knew what the hell you’re doing.

Trump announced that he would continue to take legal action against the election results, right up to the Supreme Court in Washington. Meanwhile, he has suffered countless legal defeats and his fight for the White House is obviously desperate. Trump apparently sees it differently …

O-Ton Donald Trump >> We are all victims, every one of the thousands of people here tonight, all of you are victims, each and every one of you. The next big victory for our movement begins here on January 5. And then we’ll take back the White House. We will get it back. And we will retake the House of Representatives in 2022. And in 2024, I hope I do not have to run again, we will win the White House again

His message: Either way, the Trump era is far from over.
