King Felipe is silent: ex-military call for a coup in Spain


King Philip is silent
Ex-military calls for a coup in Spain

70 former high-ranking officers of the Air Force do not give the Spanish government a good head on the Internet. The group is even calling for a coup and has already contacted King Philip with a letter. The head of state has so far been silent on the issue, having served in the air force himself.

Calls by a group of retired soldiers to overthrow the left-wing government have caused great indignation and unrest in Spain. Since the group, in addition to its activity on the network, according to the media, it also wrote a letter to King Felipe VI these days. envoy, more and more politicians, especially left-wing parties, demanded a public statement from the monarch.

“Keeping silence is not a good example or the best way to resolve an extremely serious matter,” said Eneko Andueza, head of the Socialist Party of President Pedro Sánchez in the Basque Country. The central government has already reacted: the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office. The statements that have been distributed for months by WhatsApp and now published by the state television station RTVE, among others, are “cause for concern, especially in a complicated political situation with an emergency, pandemic and economic crisis,” he said. The activities of more than 70 former senior air force officers could constitute a crime, he said.

In its letter to King Felipe, the group wrote that the government had the support of supporters of terrorists and separatists and threatened the national unity of Spain. According to the screenshots of the WhatsApp group published by RTVE and other media, the members insult Sánchez and Deputy Prime Minister Pablo Iglesias in the worst possible way. They praise the dictator Francisco Franco, whose regime (1939-1975) made at least 100,000 opponents “disappear”, and they speak in favor of the abolition of democracy.

A retired general wrote: “Get ready for the fight! Let’s get the reds! Cheer up and fight!” In addition to left-wing politicians and their supporters and voters, Catalan and Basque homosexuals, feminists and separatists are also insulted.
