“Sputnik V” against corona pandemic: Moscow vaccinates – too soon?


Even if the tests with the Russian corona vaccine “Sputnik V” have not yet been evaluated, Moscow is starting mass vaccination. 5000 people got in touch. However, according to polls, skepticism prevails.

By Stephan Laack, ARD Studio Moscow, currently. Suburb

After the first five hours, 5,000 people had already registered for the corona vaccination in Moscow on Friday. Mayor Sergej Sobyanin stated with satisfaction that this had started the large-scale vaccination campaign that will start across Russia in the coming days.

First of all, the group of people who can be vaccinated with the “Sputnik V” vaccine on a voluntary and free basis is limited. President Vladimir Putin announced it on Wednesday. Deputy Mayor Anastasija Rakova specified it for the Russian capital: “First of all, certain risk groups are given this opportunity. Who are they? Muscovites who deal with many people at work,” she reports. .

First, education, medical and social workers would be vaccinated. But employees in other industries also have the right to vaccination:

“Cleaning staff, nurses and administrators. They are as at risk as doctors and teachers because they also work with a large number of people.”

How Russia organizes vaccines

Stakeholders in these groups can use a website to schedule an appointment for vaccination, up to two weeks in advance. It is necessary to register in one of the 70 clinics in Moscow where the vaccination centers are located. “The hours of operation are from 8 to 20 hours, including Saturdays and Sundays. To register for the first vaccination, you just have to register electronically ”, explains Rakowa.

“The medical staff will invite you to the second vaccination. You should have a confirmation from your workplace with you that shows that you work in an organization whose employees belong to the mentioned risk group.”

The vaccination takes about an hour. Finally, the “Sputnik V” vaccine, which is stored at -18 degrees Celsius, is only thawed immediately before injection. And vaccinated people are observed for half an hour.

Vaccinate? “I’ll wait a few more months”

However, many Muscovites are not sure if they want to be among the first to be vaccinated with “Sputnik V”: “In the summer I discovered that we had developed a vaccine. And I immediately thought: great. More information as soon as it becomes available if there are stable results of course I will vaccinate myself and my loved ones, ”reports Alexander, 26, from Moscow.

“But at the moment there are very few results. The vaccine is still in the testing phase, so I will wait a few more months. As soon as it is certain that the vaccine is more or less safe, a decision must be made whether to vaccinate or not. “.

Is Sputnik V being used too soon?

According to the developer, the effectiveness is around 95 percent. Sputnik V should also be well tolerated and produce few side effects. But critics warn that “Sputnik V” is being used too early.

In all likelihood, the evaluation of test results will only be available in January. Until then, there is no absolutely reliable information. So the willingness of Russians to get vaccinated is initially low: according to various surveys, it is between 20 and 30 percent.
