Rudy Giuliani: Donald Trump’s lawyer is ashamed


Rudy Giuliani remains loyal to Donald Trump. His attempts to change the outcome of the American elections are getting crazier. It should also be the focus of the FBI.

  • Rudy giuliani is the most famous face of the team around Donald trump in the fight against the integrity of 2020 U.S. elections.
  • The personal attorney of Donald trump you could try to protect yourself legally.
  • All about him President elect the United States see Trump News.

Update on December 4, 2020 at 11am.: Rudy Giuliani bravely stays on the ball. Still treating the personal attorney of Donald trump, the result of the 2020 U.S. elections to change in favor of your client. You are probably doing this to protect yourself from criminal prosecution (see initial report). In the meantime, however, he’s no longer going to court, he’s now trying to convince parliaments in individual states to simply ignore Joe Biden’s certified victories and compile a list of voters who in December 14 at the Electoral College vote for Donald Trump.

The youngest Hearing in Michigan However, he quickly became a laughingstock. One of the witnesses was there Mellissa Caronewho claims to have worked for the voting machine company Dominion. His name appeared weeks ago in a lawsuit against the Wayne County result, but was later dismissed by the court as “just not credible.”

Melisaa Carone and Rudy Giuliani during the hearing in Michigan.


Rudy Giuliani is embarrassed by the appearance of his star witness

When a Republican congressman pointed out obvious errors in his somewhat confusing testimony, he could Carone Suddenly he no longer hit himself, verbally abused election officials and finally went so far as to say that voter turnout was “120 percent.” At this point he became himself Rudy giuliani too. He tried with all his might to calm his star witness. But by then the damage was done.

Carone to many people in the United States he reminded a character from the legendary television comedy show Saturday Night Live. With that, he presented both Donald Trump’s 46-minute conspiracy speech and Rudy giulianis oddities of the last few weeks completely eclipsed. This is a lot.

Rudy Giuliani: now the FBI is investigating Donald Trump’s lawyer

First report of December 3, 2020: Washington DC – The Unworthy Drama That Rudy giuliani For weeks he has been carrying out an alleged “electoral fraud” to the detriment of Donald trump Exposing it with fictitious “evidence” could simply be a way to protect yourself from prosecution. As reported by “The Daily Beast”, it determined FBI long ago against the former mayor of New York. Weeks before the 2020 U.S. elections, the FBI it extended its antennae towards Giuliani. The investigation should focus on the machinations of Giuliani and former Soviet protagonists Lev Parnas Y Igor Fruman to be.

Rudy Giualiani is the attorney for the President of the United States, Donald Trump. The FBI is currently investigating him. (File photo)

© Rey Del Rio / AFP

Donald Trump election campaign: FBI investigates Rudy Giualiani for illegal activities abroad

Rudy giuliani was ahead of the United States election Several times he traveled abroad, mainly to Ukraine, to look for allies there who could help him in his search for dirty laundry against Joe Biden. As part of these journeys, Giuliani, who has meanwhile developed from a personal lawyer to a front-line fighter to Donald trump has developed, with the same Lev Parnas Y Igor Fruman hit.

Both Parnas and Fruman are in the limelight of the US judiciary, their attorneys are said to be in close consultation with law enforcement agencies to negotiate any settlement that will protect them from further investigation and have them give a softer verdict. Both employees of Rudy giuliani They have so far pleaded not guilty, their cases must be heard in the US courts as soon as the entry restrictions due to Corona are relaxed.

In the accusations against Lev Parnas Y Igor Fruman it deals with money laundering, financial crimes, and violations of US election and lobbying laws. According to the online magazine, the Prosecutor’s Office asks for solid evidence Rudy giulianito make a deal possible. And that could be difficult if Giuliani, for example, paid black money or bypassed the regular payment channels that were visible to the United States Treasury, to the two former Soviets for their efforts in the dirty fight against Joe Biden, and for therefore, for a re-election Donald trump to be rewarded.

Name Rudolph William Louis „Rudy“ Giuliani III
Alter 76 years
job Jurist
Current function Donald Trump’s personal attorney
Previous functions Cybersecurity Advisor to Donald Trump
Crisis and Emergency Management Consultant
Presidential candidate (Republican, 2008 area code)
Mayor of New York City
Bundesstaatsanwalt (Southern District of New York)
Deputy Attorney General of the US Department of Justice.

Rudy Giuliani protects himself from prosecution with his fight for Donald Trump

“The Daily Beast” assumes that US law enforcement agencies, namely the FBI and the United States Attorney, Rudy giuliani So far they have only been left undisturbed because public investigations against the most vehement defender of conspiracy theories Donald trump it could have been seen as a political influence in the electoral campaign. The magazine believes authorities are awaiting Giuliani’s shameful adherence to the “voter fraud” allegations because “FBI agents will not go on stage to handcuff him while the cameras are still there.” A conviction could cost Giuliani his license to practice law or even result in prison.

And so it is logical that Rudy giuliani try to keep the fairy tale of “voter fraud” on the public agenda for as long as possible until Donald trump At least protect him from criminal prosecution at the federal level with a pardon. However, you are playing a dangerous political game with him. The longer you hold a distorted mirror in front of the president, the more likely Trump will lose confidence in the leader of his legal “strike force.”

That in turn could lead to Donald trump thumb over Rudy giuliani After all, a pardon would be an indirect admission by Trump himself to keep his hand on his lawyer’s half-silly machinations abroad. Rather, it could be that Triumph turns his loyal henchman into a pawn sacrifice so he doesn’t end up a loser to him. (Mirko Schmid)

Header list image: © afp / JEFF KOWALSKY
