Police rescue puppies from vandalized refrigerators – illegal pet trade


The Cologne police made an extraordinary discovery. There he found four puppies locked in a refrigerator full of garbage. Now four women are under investigation.

On Thursday morning, police in Cologne and Düsseldorf released several Schnauzers, French bulldogs, Chihuahuas and maltesters from trash-strewn apartments. After investigations into the illegal trafficking of puppies, agents found four women aged 20, 61, 22 and 42 years old.

Dogs locked in a fence: the apartments registered by the police were full of garbage.  (Source: Cologne Police)Dogs locked in a fence: the apartments registered by the police were full of garbage. (Source: Cologne Police)

One of the women had put four Maltese puppies together in her apartment in Cologne-Chorweiler in the open refrigerator. Veterinarians from the Office of the Environment and Consumer Protection supported the work on the site. According to the police, the puppies will now be taken to the care of the animal shelters in Cologne to receive proper care.

Puppies in a refrigerator: the police investigate illegal animal trafficking.  (Source: Cologne Police)Puppies in a refrigerator: the police investigate illegal animal trafficking. (Source: Cologne Police)

The investigation against women began after the leads of buyers. Therefore, the supposedly vaccinated and chipped young dogs were offered on online sales portals. Investigations are still continuing.

In this context, the police warn against giving animals at Christmas. The purchase of puppies whose origin cannot be traced and which are offered on the Internet or in markets promotes illegal and inappropriate trade. According to the police, young dogs are often tortured.
