Donald Trump fans call for a Republican boycott: “Don’t deserve your vote!”


Georgia Republicans face an impossible task. They are supposed to save the majority of the Senate in January and fight Donald Trump fans, of all people.

  • January 5, 2021 will arrive Georgia to two second-round elections that decide on future control of the Senate.
  • the republican Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue team up for the party Donald trump a.
  • All the information about the elections in the United States can be found in the news about the 2020 elections.

Atlanta – With the two groundbreaking second-round elections for the United States Senatcoming up in the state of Georgia in January 2021, it’s such a thing. Republicans urgently need that Kelly loeffler Y David perdue their runoff elections against the Democrats Raphael warnock Y Jon ossoff win. If the “Great Old Party” (GOP) loses both seats, it would be next to that White House, the Joe biden Donald trump has decreased and what House of Representativesthat Democrats have been controlling since 2018, including the senate de facto in democratic hands.

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue: They should save the Senate Republicans. But Donald Trump and his fans are flying across. (File photo)

© Jessica McGowan / AFP

If Republicans lose like Donald Trump in Georgia, the United States Senate goes to Democrats

Should Warnock Y Ossoff make possible what was considered impossible and eliminate the two seats of the Senate Georgia The “color blue” would result in a deadlock in the Senate fifty Democrats and fifty Republicans. In such a case, it falls to the future vice president Kamala harrisswing the pendulum to one side or the other. It is not too bold a claim that, given the hardened front line between Democrats and Republicans for years Harris would use his position to bring the Senate under de facto party control by 51 to 50 votes Joe biden carry. One Horror for the party that has been loyal to the Nibelungs for the past four years Donald trump to be.

Because if Democrats dominated both houses of parliament alongside the White House, they could Joe biden “Govern”without having to compromise with the Republicans. How willing these Republicans are to compromise was shown especially in 2016, when the Republican Senate majority approved Barack Obama blocked Judge Merrick Garland proposed to the Supreme Court.

Barack Obama, in particular, repeatedly felt what a presidency against at least one chamber of parliament means: lengthy negotiations, projects ripped off, blockades, deadlock. Even Donald trump Since the 2018 midterm elections, he has repeatedly battled with the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, personified by his close enemy, Democratic Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Donald Trump shoots top Republicans in Georgia

Therefore, also and especially the republican president and still in office Donald trump be a concern Kelly loeffler Y David perdue stand on the sidelines with all his might and his fan base rallied in the election campaign to at least keep the Senate in “red” hands. This is the only way to make the plans that Trump hated Joe biden as an expansion of “Obamacare“Affordable health insurance for all Americans.

But Donald Trump is in a bad mood. Trapped in his own fairy tale of a supposedly “stolen” choice, he shoots anyone and everyone who was not one hundred percent willing to back up his lies. This includes the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp. Trump had supported Republican Kemp in the 2018 election campaign and wanted to face his imminent defeat against Joe biden in Georgia now they charge the price for their selfless support. In simple words: Kemp, along with his electoral secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, must first stop the vote counting before Joe biden it could happen.

Donald Trump fans call for a boycott of Georgia’s crucial Senate elections

When that didn’t work, it should Brian Kemp Y Brad Raffensperger prevent state Georgia the victory of Joe biden officially certified. Nothing happened, Kemp was even forced to accept the legality of the elections Georgia to be publicly confirmed in a statement. At least now the tablecloth between Kemp and Raffensperger was in one and Donald trump cut on the other side. Triumph he lamented loudly and publicly, claiming to be “embarrassed” for supporting Kemp in 2018. The lack of quid pro quo is for the negotiator Triumph just unacceptable.

Now it seems as if Donald trump to all republicans in Georgia He wants revenge. It doesn’t matter what the cost is, in this case the majority of the Senate. First was the change of some staunch Trump fans who called for a boycott of the Senate election in Georgia, or rather, not a cross and instead the bold and daring name. “Triumph” write on the ballot to “punish with full force” the Republican “establishment”, which had doubled down following the Trump narrative, instead of supporting the “real winner of the election” (Trump over Trump).

Donald Trump Fan Goal: Georgia Republicans “Punish”

And meanwhile Donald trump still fighting for his long-lost chair and the Senate elections, which are so important to his party Georgia Barely paying attention, lawyer Lin Wood, known as a Trump fan, is now in front of the people and, like those who defeated the unreasonable Trumpster, calls for a boycott. about Kelly loeffler Y David perdue told the potential Republican electorate: “You don’t deserve your vote! You have to fix it yourself. “

Republicans in the Senate Democrats in the Senate
Currently 50 seats Currently 48 seats
Candidate in Georgia: Candidate in Georgia:
Kelly loeffler Raphael warnock
David perdue Jon ossoff

Lin Wood, who is extremely prominent in the scene on the right, was joined by another well-known figure from Trump circles: the just plain rude from the “Strike Force,” the top legal team of Donald trump, thrown off Sidney Powell. The lawyer, close to the right-wing extremist conspiracy sect “QAnon”, also called for a boycott: “I think everyone would be here in Georgia I encourage you not to vote at all until your vote is secure. ”

Desperate Republican poll workers, Donald Trump keeps Georgia electorate out of the polls

That statement has Explosive power. Because the Republicans in Georgiawho have been tirelessly campaigning for Kelly loeffler Y David perdue This statement puts two huge obstacles in the way. On the one hand, there is the call for a boycott, which alone could become a “goodbye” for Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, Joe Biden’s lead increased Donald trump in Georgia only 0.2 percent.

On the other hand, and that could affect electoral activists. Loeffler Y Lost and thus becoming the Republican majority in the Senate, Wood and Powell continue to cast doubt on the integrity of the Elections in USA. Like Donald trump they preach “electoral fraud” off the air and destroy trust in elections and the purpose of casting their own votes, especially in their own electorate. A Republican activist in Georgiawho would rather not read his name in a newspaper in this context declared with resignation: “Who the hell should vote for us if we tell people that voting doesn’t help?” (Mirko Schmid)

Rubriklistenbild: © Jessica McGowan / afp
