Only half doses in 2020: Pfizer cuts corona vaccine delivery target


In 2020 only half the cans
Pfizer cuts delivery target for corona vaccine

Hopes for rapid and extensive vaccines are being lowered slightly: Pfizer and Biontech will likely only be able to bring half the doses to market this year as planned. The reason is the problems in the supply chain.

The US pharmaceutical company Pfizer assumes that it will only be able to deliver half of its corona vaccine this year as originally planned. The expansion of the supply chain is taking longer than expected, the “Wall Street Journal” cites a spokeswoman for the company. In addition, the results of clinical trials will be available a little later than initially planned.

Instead of the 100 million deliveries actually expected, the report says Pfizer now only plans about 50 million by the end of the year. Given that two doses are required per vaccine, that would be enough for 25 million people. However, over the next year, Pfizer is still expecting more than a billion doses.

An insider involved in the development of the vaccine told the Wall Street Journal that some previous batches of the precursors did not meet the required standards. This caused delays in production. The group did not initially respond to a request for more detailed information.

Pfizer developed the vaccine together with the German manufacturer Biontech. The British Medicines Agency granted Pfizer and Biontech emergency approval for their corona vaccine on Wednesday. The UK is the first country to issue a certificate of authorization for the vaccine. The US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency Ema are also reviewing these applications.
