Viktor Orban under attack for sex party from an informant


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is affected by the scandal surrounding a Hungarian MEP. Attacks by the opposition and taunts in the press followed. Power poker in the EU is also influenced.

The news hit Hungary like a bomb: a prominent MEP from the country and a close confidante of the right-wing Conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was captured by homosexuals at a sex party in Brussels, despite rigid restrictions from the crown. After the embarrassing revelations, József Szájer, who was considered an important pillar of the ruling Fidesz party, had to resign.

For Orbán this means more than attacks by the opposition and mockery in the press. The case is also likely to weaken Hungary’s position in the EU, especially now, amid the dispute over the dismantling of the rule of law in Hungary and the blocking of the EU budget.

“We didn’t even have pants on”

Szájer had to admit on Tuesday that he had participated in the illegal party that the Belgian media called an “orgy”. Szájer had tried to escape from the apartment through a gutter, where the party was being held in secret. “The man’s hands were bloody, it is possible that he was injured while fleeing,” said the prosecutor. The ecstasy of the drug was also found in his backpack.

Police broke up the party on Friday night and warned participants not to comply with the crown’s requirements. According to the organizer, there were 25 naked men in the apartment. “Suddenly my whole living room was filled with policemen,” he told the “Het Laatste Nieuws” newspaper. “They immediately started yelling, ‘Identification card! Now!’ But we weren’t even wearing pants, how in God’s name should we have conjured up our identification so quickly? “

Shameful for the conservative national party Fidesz

After a long silence, Orbán condemned Szájer’s behavior on Wednesday night on Twitter’s online service as an “unacceptable and unjustifiable act.” “What our representative, József Szájer, has done, has no place in the values ​​of our political family,” said Orban, who likes to present himself as a man of public order, through his spokesman. Szájer had to resign from the Fidesz party, which he had co-founded.

József Szájer in the European Parliament: The Hungarian politician was caught at an illegal party.  (Source: AP / dpa / Jean-Francois Badias)József Szájer in the European Parliament: The Hungarian politician was caught at an illegal party. (Source: Jean-Francois Badias / AP / dpa)

The issue is particularly embarrassing for the national conservative ruling party because it appears as a defender of traditional values ​​and has enshrined marriage in the constitution as a “link between man and woman.” The party wanted to protect “Christian values” according to its own statements. Lawyer Szájer, married to a judge, played a key role in drafting the 2011 constitution. For the time being, the constitution should also include the fact that “the mother is a woman, the father is a man”; Adoption by same-sex couples should be prohibited.

“As far as possible from the values ​​they represent”

Hungarian journalist Szabolcs Panyi accused Szájer and his party of hypocrisy: “While I was in one for LGBT-people fun open Brussels, made life for LGB by revising the constitutionT-people impossible in Hungary, “wrote Panyi on Twitter. LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual.

The opposition also expressed outrage: “While Fidesz politicians teach us about Christianity, family, traditional gender roles and morals, they are actually living a completely different life, as far as possible from the values ​​they they represent, “said the president. the opposition party DK, Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Hungary is under massive pressure

For Orbán, the scandal is more than regrettable, also at the EU level. Only recently did he have to overcome the departure of two European experts. According to analysts, he will no longer be able to depend on receiving information from Brussels from György Schöpflin MEP and his adviser Peter Gottfried. With Szájer he has lost another important man in Brussels.

Hungary is currently under massive pressure in Brussels because, together with Poland, it has vetoed the EU’s multi-year budget and the Corona aid fund. The reason for the blockade is plans to cut EU funds in the future if the rule of law is violated. This time the EU partners do not want to give in. The Szájer case a week before the EU summit does not exactly reinforce Orban’s negotiating position.
