Young people trapped in train at Braunschweiger Platz: route blocked


the fire brigade Hannover it is currently in use with a large contingent at Braunschweiger Platz. Two young men are said to have been captured and killed by an S-Bahn on line 4. There appears to be a boy and a girl. The age of the dead has not yet been determined. A 14-year-old girl survived seriously injured.

Now everything indicates that it is a suicide. The route of German train is currently locked. There are disabilities on all S-Bahn routes. Long-distance trains are, according to the German train, above Hildesheim deflected. Due to rescue efforts, Marienstrasse was also closed to the city center, as the police notify.

The text is updated.

Are you having suicidal thoughts? Then please contact the following numbers

This telephone line is free and available 24 hours a day:

0800 – 111 0 111


0800 – 111 0 222

0800-111 0333 (for children / youth)

By email or chat: at

Since Tobias Morchner
