Corona News: RKI reports more than 22,000 new infections – politics


The federal and state governments extend the partial blockade until January 10

The partial closure with closed restaurants, museums, theaters and leisure facilities will run until January 10. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states during the deliberations on Wednesday, as later announced by the CDU politician. “In principle, the condition remains as it is now,” Merkel said.

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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania still reserves the right not to continue with the current partial lockdown, unlike other federal states, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said. The country may deviate from the resolutions due to the comparatively low number of infections.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said Corona’s situation was “by no means” relaxed. It is okay to extend the partial lock. Söder also indicated a possible tightening of measures in the future. “The question is can we keep the country in this kind of half-sleep all the time, or if we don’t have to ever think again about going deeper and more clearly in some places.” Söder went on to say: “Maybe a shorter time accordingly, rather than a longer half time.”

Germany is still “a long way off” from its target values ​​in the pandemic, Merkel said. There were a very high number of fatalities. This shows the responsibility of the federal and state governments. In seven days, a value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants should be reached, Merkel said.

Health authorities had recently informed the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of 487 deaths in 24 hours in relation to the coronavirus. This is the highest daily value since the beginning of the pandemic. Furthermore, a relatively large number of people in Germany are still infected with the virus. There has been a slight decrease in new infections in recent days, but the expected effect of the partial closure has yet to materialize.

The partial closure, in effect since November, with restaurant closures, for example, had been extended last week until just before Christmas. The decision document said the federal and state governments assumed that extensive restrictions would be necessary until early January due to the high level of infection, especially in the restaurant and hotel area.

In view of the aid promised for November and December of this year, the federal states urged to accelerate the disbursement so that companies could obtain the money faster. Söder said that many companies were waiting for payments. Advances anticipated above are too low. Merkel indicated improvements. The question of whether there could be higher payments on account was discussed. This could be “urgent” in some cases.

The federal and state governments want to arm themselves for the early start of corona vaccines. The first vaccine approvals in the EU could come in late December, Merkel said Wednesday night. That is why it is important that preparations are well advanced. In the federal states, great efforts are being made to establish planned regional vaccination centers. In addition, a “fine tuning” of the stipulations on the sequence of vaccinations is pending by the Permanent Commission on Vaccination. On this basis, the Federal Ministry of Health will issue an ordinance, Merkel explained.

RKI reports 22,046 new infections

German health authorities reported 22,046 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Thursday morning within 24 hours. This is just below the 22,268 cases from the previous week. With 479 new deaths in one day, health authorities also reported the second highest level since the start of the pandemic. The previous high of 487 deaths was reached on Wednesday.

The trend in the number of daily deaths had recently increased, which was also expected after the sharp increase in new infections. The total number of people who died from a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection rose to 17,602 on Thursday. The RKI has counted 1,106,789 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic. It is estimated that around 800,000 people have recovered.

According to RKI’s management report on Wednesday, the so-called seven-day R-value was 0.89 (previous day: also 0.89). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 89 more people. The value represents the onset of infection 8-16 days ago. If the value is less than 1 for a long time, the infection rate decreases.

Spahn: Teachers must prove themselves for Corona

In the future, teachers and educators should be able to get tested for coronavirus after receiving proper training. “Nursery schools and schools or their providers can independently obtain and use rapid tests from Friday,” CDU Health Minister Jens Spahn told the Funke media group newspapers. “Teachers will be able to assess themselves regularly.” Rapid antigen tests could help better protect teachers, and thus children. Until now, rapid antigen testing has only been allowed by medically trained personnel.

With a new regulation that comes into effect this Friday, Spahn wants to regulate on the one hand that educators can test themselves after previous training. In addition, school authorities should also be able to conduct on-site tests with trained personnel if necessary. “This is another option that is suitable for everyday use to allow children to go to daycare or school even in times of pandemic,” Spahn told newspapers.

According to the Health Ministry, the Robert Koch Institute has received 636 corona outbreaks in schools since the start of the pandemic, according to the newspapers of the Funke media group. In the last four weeks, there have been around 64 outbreaks per week. 18 percent of these outbreaks would have affected people between 6 and 10 years old, 26 percent in those between 11 and 14 years old, 31 percent in those between 15 and 20 years old, and 25 percent in people older than 21 years. In 53 outbreaks (8 percent), only adults were affected. According to the data, the proportion of infection cases in schools in all corona outbreaks is around two percent.

Federal President Steinmeier wants a public commemoration for the victims of the crown

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has confirmed his desire for an official mourning event for the victims of the crown. “To better process all of this as a society, I would like, in due course, a public memorial for the many dead from the corona pandemic and their families, who often cannot even provide assistance,” Steinmeier said. time.

Many people died “a bitter and lonely death,” added the federal president. With all the medical and hygienic issues, financial and economic challenges, there is something about this pandemic that has not been discussed much so far, “but it leaves a deep impression on all of us: we have all been seriously vulnerable again for a long time in our lives. life faced “. Steinmeier continues: “Now we are experiencing that the core of existence is depending on others. Many experience this as an attack on their self-esteem, as insecurity, and in some it causes rejection.”

The federal government had also welcomed considerations for a state commemoration of the victims of the corona pandemic. “I think it is worth talking about,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert in Berlin. He responded to the proposal of the Bishop of Limburg, Georg Bätzing, president of the Conference of German Catholic Bishops, to organize a day of remembrance for the victims.

Saxony introduces exit restrictions

In view of the very high number of new infections in Saxony, the Free State of Saxony is now taking a tougher course, according to Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer. “There is an exit restriction in almost the entire Free State (…)”, says the CDU politician in ZDF. People can only leave home for important reasons. According to the state government, this should apply to districts and urban districts with a seven-day incidence value greater than 200. This mark exceeded ten out of 13 independent districts and cities in Saxony on Wednesday morning.

Prime Minister Kretschmer said the number of new infections had to be reduced quickly because hospitals were already extremely stressed. “It is urgent”, warns Kretschmer and calls on the population to take the situation very seriously. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the incidence value for seven days in Saxony was 261.5 on Wednesday morning; this is the highest value of all the federal states.
