Corona in Germany: the state has the highest incidence value, and is now rigorously adjusted


The number of corona cases in Germany is too high. There are new access points again. The number of deaths is worrying. All the information in our news ticker.

  • In Germany, Crown box numbers. Crown measures have tightened since November.
  • Still no signal clear trend reversal in the crisis of the Crown.
  • Is News ticker on coronavirus in Germany it is periodically updated.

Update on December 3 at 6:19 am: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 22,046 new corona infections (Previous day: 17,270 / Previous week: 22,268) within 24 hours. 479 peoplehow positive in SARS-CoV-2 have been proven have died. Being only from North Rhine-Westphalia 100 deaths reported. In Germany there are currently around 289,187 cases of active crown.

  • So far in Germany 1,106,789 people with the coronavirus infected.
  • The number of Deceased in connection with Sars-CoV-2 is included in accordance with RKI 17,602.
  • According to RKI estimates, some 800,000 infected people have been recovered.
  • There are currently around 289,187 cases of active crown.

Corona in Germany: restrictions will extend until January 10

Update from December 2, 8:16 pm: The Partial blocking in Germany with closed restaurants, museums, theaters and leisure facilities extended until January 10. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states during the deliberations on Wednesday, as later announced by the CDU politician. “In principle, the state remains as it is now,” he said. Merkel.

Corona in Germany: hotspots in the country below the 500 mark, twelve districts continue to be particularly affected

Update on December 2 at 6:36 pm: Positive news from Germany’s crown hot spots. The city Passau as well as the district Hildburghausen lie in terms of Seven-day incidence is no longer above the 500 mark. As of the current management report of Robert Koch Institute shows, the situation remains tense with 479.1 and 458.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. A total of twelve of the 401 German urban and rural districts currently have a Incidence of more than 300.

  • Passau city: 479.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants
  • Hildburghausen District: 458.9
  • District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains: 440.2
  • Erzgebirgskreis: 411.4
  • Bautzen District: 382.6
  • Circular rain: 382.4
  • City of nuremberg: 365.0
  • Freyung-Grafenau District: 365.0
  • Schwabach district: 341.6
  • Passau District: 331.2
  • Zwickau district: 331.1
  • Goerlitz district: 317.3

Crown in Germany: Steinmeier worries about the emotional consequences of the pandemic

Update on December 2 at 2:54 pm.: “We’ve all been serious for a long time Vulnerability of our life faced “says Frank-Walter Steinmeier in an interview with him time. “Many experience this as an attack on their self-esteem, as insecurity, and for some it calls them Rejection “The federal president made the emotional consequences of the corona pandemic To import. The year 2020 caused many stress tests, “for the emotional budget itself, for the cohesion of society, a stress test for democracy, for Europe and international relations.”

The federal president regrets the great sacrifices demanded by the pandemic. Many people are “one bitter and lonely death died. “The situation has a great impact on people. In order to better process this as a society, he would like to see”public memorial for the many deaths from the pandemic of the crown and their families, who many times could not even provide assistance “.

He also struggles with the extremism and anti-Semitism behind him. alleged crown protests hides. “Then I force myself to say to myself: this is unbearable, but it is only a small minority.”

Crown in Germany: Saxony is taking a difficult course and imposing exit restrictions

Update from December 2 at 10:39 am: Saxony According to Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, he is taking a tough course on Corona. “There is one in almost the entire Free State except in the three big cities that have a different infection rate Exit restriction“, It says in the ZDF” Morgenmagazin “. The house or apartment can only be left for good reason. In addition, the requirement for masks was extended and alcohol bans were issued. It is likely that the Prime Minister of Saxony will keep catering and the hotels closed until January.

Saxony currently has one 7-day occurrence of 257 and therefore nationally the highest rate of new infections within 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the RKI board, Chemnitz (219.6) has now also passed the critical 200 mark. In Chemnitz, contact and exit restrictions also apply as of this Wednesday. In Dresden (187.9), the stricter crown rules only come into effect when the 200 limit has been broken for five days in a row. Leipzig (113.3) wants to publish new crown rules today, MDR Saxony announced.

Corona in Germany: situation in hospitals under control, but worry about relaxation

Update on December 2 at 9.55 amDespite a record number of corona deaths, the head of the intensive care medicine association Divi sees Uwe Janssens, the Situation in hospitals under control.

“We are very hopeful, and we have also seen it in recent days, that we are entering a very high stabilization phase in German intensive care units.”said the president of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (Divi) on Wednesday at the ZDF “Morgenmagazin”.

The increases in the numbers are no longer there to the extent that “that means we are reaching a plateau.” If it stayed that way, there could be a slight decrease in stress in 14 to 20 days.

Janssens said that high mortality rates be the result of high infection rates The last weeks. “It takes a while until a patient suffering from Covid-19 unfortunately takes this difficult road and dies,” he said.

Coronavirus in Germany: in some regions 20 to 30 percent of free intensive care beds

In some regions of Germany, there are still many intensive care beds available, 20 to 30 percent in Schleswig-Holstein or Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In the theoretical case of an increasing number of infections, these resources would first have to be used for relocations. Only then did you reach a border, but he and many of his colleagues did not assume it would go that far.

At the same time, the intensive care doctor renewed his concern about the relaxation of the corona measures during the holidays.

Uwe Janssens, director of the association of intensive medicine Divi.

© Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Corona in Germany: RKI reports new death record – new situation in the two super hotspots

First report of December 2, 2020

Berlin – The Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) has a 24-hour deadline 17,270 new corona infections Recorded. He died in connection with the coronavirus 487 people – this is a new record since the beginning of the pandemic.

The previous high was reached on Friday with 426 deaths. After the sharp increase in corona cases, experts also expected an increase in deaths.

Corona in Germany: RKI reports nearly 500 deaths

  • So far they are 17,123 people The RKI announced that he died with or from a virus infection.
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,084,743 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 (Data status: December 2, midnight).
  • Around 779,500 people are estimated to have recovered. So there are currently in Germany 288,120 cases of active crown.

Crown in Germany: R value at 0.89

The call 7-day R-value* included according to RKI’s management report on Tuesday 0.89 (Previous day: 0.91). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 89 more people. The value reflects the infection process 8-16 days ago. If the value of 7 days is below 1 for a long time, the infection rate decreases.

Corona access points in Germany

The actual Corona situation in Germany remains dynamic. district Hildburghausen and the city Passau it had already passed the 500 mark in incidence. Both are wednesday Mega-Hotspots according to RKI, the data fell well below this value again. Currently, no region of Germany is marked in pink on the RKI dashboard.

The 7-day incidence in Germany is 137 cases per 100,000 population (PE). In the federal states Bayern (171), Sedan (180), Hessen (153), North Rhine-Westphalia (143), Saxony (257) and Thuringia (143) is up.

  • Passau city: 479.1 (previous day: 549.2) cases per 100,000 inhabitants
  • Hildburghausen District: 458.9 (previous day: 519.0)
  • Bautzen District: 382.6 (previous day: 413.7)
  • Erzgebirgskreis: 411.4 (previous day: 400.1)
  • Circular rain: 382.4 (previous day: 377.2)
  • Passau District: 331.2 (previous day: 344.7)
  • Goerlitz district: 317.3 (previous day: 328.8)
  • District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains: 440.2 (previous day: 377.2)
  • City of nuremberg: 365.0 (previous day: 306.7)
  • Zwickau district: 331.1 (previous day: 344.1)

(ml) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network

Headline list image: © Tom Weller / dpa
