Corona: infected dog in Munich! Are pets contagious? The expert has important information


A form of corona infection has also been detected in Munich that has not yet been observed. An expert assesses the situation.

  • Pets can also become infected with the coronavirus. An authority also has a Munich case.
  • Can the virus be transmitted to humans? An expert takes a stand and advises caution.
  • The district administration department has now confirmed the infection in Munich (update on December 2 at 10:04 pm).
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Update as of December 2, 10:04 pm: the District Administration Department (KVR) confirmed the case of one with on Wednesday Corona infected dog in Munich. The owner became ill with the virus and also had the animal tested. The result was strong KVR positive. The examining laboratory then informed the veterinary office. According to the authorities, it is the only one in Munich reported case of an infected animal. “More reports are due KVR not before, ”announced a spokesperson.

According to the Friedrich Loeffler Institute, a federal research institute for animal health, around 70 have been confirmed worldwide Cases in pets known. Two thirds of them are cats, one third dogs. According to experts, the findings are not surprising. We have known since spring “that Pets are infectable“Therefore, infected people should keep their pets away, warned Loeffler Institute President Thomas Mettenleiter. Four-legged friends Coronavirus also in Respiratory infections get sick and in the worst case die.

The infected dog in Munich they are noisy KVR no further steps are required. According to reports, the animal should be fine. He too cat from Frankfurt has the infection survived. Antibodies have been detected in it.

Two animals in Germany infected by the corona virus

(First notification) Munich – for the first time since the introduction of the national system Reporting requirement because with that Coronavirus* infected Pets there are two for the authorities Disease cases has been informed. too Munich It is affected.

Corona-infected dog in Munich: expert assesses the situation

Thomas mettenleiter, President of the Friedlich Loeffler Institute, was expressed to the New Osnabrück newspaper to cases. You have knowledge of a sick person cat outside Frankfurt and one infected dog outside Munich*. I’ve already been with the cat antibody has been shown.

“The pandemic it happens between people ”, said the expert in animal diseases. So there is no reason to worry. Show that animals do that Virus According to Mettenleiter, they cannot be transferred to humans. Compared to human corona infections, they are Case numbers in “insignificantly small” animals anyway.

Corona infection in pets: affected dog in Munich: expert asks for caution

Institute president warned of crown buds in Danish Mink farms prior to transmission since Virus from humans to nature Wildlife: “When in doubt, this is not only dangerous for animals, but also for humans.” For example, when the virus mutates. Be especially careful with Contact With Wildlife as Martens or Bats necessary. * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Rubriklistenbild: © Gemunu Amarasinghe / AP / dpa
