US: William Barr Sees “No Proof” of Donald Trump’s Election Fraud Charge


United States Attorney General Bill Barr has clearly contradicted President Donald Trump’s allegations of alleged mass electoral fraud. Barr told the AP news agency on Tuesday that there was no evidence of large-scale fraud in the November 3 presidential election. “So far we have not seen any fraud on a scale that could affect the outcome of the elections.”

The attorney’s comments come as a surprise: Barr is considered a Trump loyalist and has always backed the president in the past. Shortly after the AP interview was published, Barr was seen arriving at the White House.

Trump goes on to claim that his Democratic challenger Joe Biden won the November 3 election only because of massive fraud. Trump has not presented any reliable evidence. The incumbent president tries to challenge the election result with a wave of lawsuits. However, the American courts have already thwarted numerous lawsuits. Biden will be sworn in as president on January 20.

Trump’s lawyers rejected Barr’s version. Trump’s attorneys, Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, announced Tuesday that “there was no indication” of an investigation by the Justice Department. “We have accumulated extensive evidence of illegal voting in at least six states.”

The ministry did not review this evidence and testimony, he said. Barr appears to have made up his mind “without any knowledge or investigation into the substantial wrongdoing and evidence of systematic fraud.” Barr told the AP that prosecutors and federal FBI investigators were investigating allegations related to the election. But they would not have found any evidence that would have changed the outcome.

About three weeks ago, Barr gave prosecutors permission to investigate allegations of voter fraud before the final results were released. Such proceedings are allowed to begin if there are “clear and apparently credible allegations of wrongdoing” that may have affected election results in a state, Barr’s letter to prosecutors said at the time. States must have reported their final certified results to Washington no later than next Tuesday.

As is customary in the US, Biden had been declared the winner of the election by the mainstream media in early November. Trump made another attempt Tuesday in the important state of Wisconsin to challenge the result there with a lawsuit. He also tried to pressure Republican governors in Georgia and Arizona, who have since confirmed the election results and Biden’s victory.

State results are the key to winning an American presidential election. The president is not elected directly by the people, but by voters who cast their vote according to the results of their state. According to calculations by the US media, Democrat Biden secured 306 voters in the elections, 270 are necessary for the election to the Presidency. Trump has 232 electorates.

Icon: The mirror
