8 officials under suspicion: Reichsbürger raid on the Bundeswehr! – Domestic politics


Raid on the Bundeswehr!

In the morning, the MAD military secret service moved to Ulm, its target: the quality testing center of the Bundeswehr.

The suspicion: a network of armed Reich citizens has spread into the service of the Bundeswehr.

Background: 19 officers work at the branch office of the weapons office in Ulm, checking the software and electronics that are purchased for the troops. At least eight employees should be Reich citizens!

They deny the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany, reject the constitution, want to establish a new state and even issue their own passports.

The suspects were questioned by intelligence officials throughout the day. Evidence such as mobile phones and computers were seized. The first results of the interviews confirm the bad suspicion.

According to information from the BILD, the leader of the anti-constitutional group is the head of the department, an official with the rank of technical director of the government.

The secret investigation of the Military Counterintelligence Service has been carried out since the end of 2019. The secret service became aware of the Reich Citizens Network through an internal reference. What particularly alarmed the security authorities: the leader of the Reichsbürger is a marksman and has a whole arsenal of weapons.

Citizens of the Bundeswehr are said to have contacted conspirators from other authorities. In particular, connections with Reich citizens are controlled by the BND, the foreign secret service.

In the investigation, the MAD collaborates with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the State Criminal Police and the BND. The Federal Criminal Police and the Attorney General were informed about the raid. Today’s search is a central blow against the Reich citizen scene in the Bundeswehr. MAD is investigating 53 suspected cases across the force.

The Bundeswehr has launched disciplinary investigations against Ulm officials for violating the duty of loyalty. With the goal: Get out of the Bundeswehr!

As an immediate measure, the main suspects were banned from all office buildings.

Federal Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (58, CDU) promises a full clarification at BILD: “We do not leave the smallest room in the Bundeswehr to the enemies of the constitution!”

Extremism and a lack of loyalty to shared values ​​are incompatible with the mission of the Bundeswehr, but also with the principles of camaraderie and collegiality.

“The German population can trust that the Bundeswehr will consistently pursue all signs of proximity to the so-called ‘Reich bourgeoisie’. Also in this case, the security authorities are working closely with the aim of removing or keeping out of the Bundeswehr people who do not comply with the Constitution. It is encouraging that the key indications are again coming from internal sources. “
