Corona: Biontech and Pfizer also request approval – policy


While vaccination centers are being built throughout Germany, the first people there are more likely to be immunized against Covid-19 this year. After pharmaceutical manufacturer Moderna applied for approval of its vaccine for the European market on Monday, Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer are now reporting documents for a conditional approval of its corona vaccine to the European Agency for Medications (EMA). have presented. The decision must be made no later than December 29. If the authority complies with the request, according to the two pharmaceutical companies, the first vaccines with the preparation called BNT162b2 could be given in Europe in December.

The efficacy data published by Biontech and Pfizer in a press release is similar to that of Moderna. In the clinical phase 3 study, the vaccine protected 95 percent of test subjects from Covid 19 disease. Even with study participants who had already had a Sars-CoV-2 infection, the preparation increased the vaccination protection. Information on how well immunization works in different age groups is also particularly relevant. Additionally, Biontech and Pfizer report that the efficacy of the vaccine was “consistent across all age and gender groups and across the diverse study population.” For people 65 and older, who are at the highest risk of a severe course of Covid 19, the vaccine’s protection was 94 percent, according to drug companies. So far there have been no serious side effects, overall the vaccine was well tolerated.

Like Moderna’s vaccine, the Biontech and Pfizer preparation is the so-called mRNA vaccine. It would be the first time that vaccines were approved using this new process. The human immune system is activated by giving them a piece of genetic information for a certain protein from the Covid-19 pathogen.

UN: corona crisis plunges millions of people around the world into danger

According to the United Nations, the corona pandemic has plunged tens of millions of people into dire straits. About 235 million children, women and men will depend on humanitarian aid and protection over the next year, the UN warned on Tuesday in Geneva. UN Secretary General António Guterres said the number of people who had to be supplied from abroad had reached a peak. In one year, the number of people in need has increased by 40 percent. A year ago there were 168 million, the year before 146 million people.

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Guterres called on the world community to stand in solidarity with the people in their “darkest hour.” They suffered not only the economic and social consequences of the corona pandemic, but also conflict, displacement, extreme weather, and natural disasters. Guterres estimates $ 35 billion (€ 29 billion) to fund humanitarian aid in the next year.

The UN and its partners want to provide food, water, medicine, clothing and shelter to 160 million people with special needs. In addition, children, for example in refugee camps, must receive education and vaccinations. The 56 countries where aid is provided include Afghanistan, Yemen, Mali, Myanmar, South Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela.

In the course of the crown pandemic, numerous countries sealed their borders and closed companies, markets and public institutions. As a result, economies that were already weak were in a threatening position and poverty increased sharply. In particular, the population of southern countries is suffering from the global economic recession, the UN declared.

Vietnam confirms first local corona infection in 89 days

For the first time in 89 days, Vietnamese authorities have confirmed a local transmission of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Germany. After evidence was found on a 32-year-old man in Ho Chi Minh City on Monday, authorities tried to closely follow the man’s contacts. State media reported that prior to his positive test, the man visited a flight attendant who entered self-isolation two weeks ago after returning from Japan. The Covid-19 disease pathogen was detected on Saturday.

Health officials arranged for 137 people who were counted as close contacts to be placed in a quarantine facility. An English-language educational center where he reportedly works as a teacher, the 32-year-old has been temporarily closed, according to the Vietnamese daily. Youth reported. Vietnam has so far only confirmed 1,347 corona infections and 35 virus-related deaths with a population of 96 million.

Moderna requests approval of the vaccine in the EU

The American pharmaceutical company Moderna was the first company to apply for approval of a corona vaccine in the EU. Moderna announced that the application was submitted to the European Medicines Agency Ema on Monday. At the same time, an emergency approval request was also submitted to the US pharmaceutical authority.

According to the pharmaceutical company, if approval is granted, the vaccine could be shipped to the EU in December. This means that vaccination against the corona virus is getting closer and closer in Germany. Last week, the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that a framework contract for up to 160 million doses of vaccine had been concluded.

Early approval is possible through the so-called ongoing review process. Manufacturers can send data on the efficacy and safety of the vaccine to authorities prior to actual application, if a vaccine is urgently needed.

As Moderna announced, the vaccine is 94.1 percent effective. The company relies on test data involving more than 30,000 people in the United States. The effectiveness was similar in all age groups.

Turkey imposes curfews on weekends

After the continued high number of infections in Turkey, the government has tightened measures. At a cabinet meeting in Ankara, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced on Monday that curfews would be applied throughout the weekend. The ban begins on Fridays at 9:00 p.m. and ends on Monday at 5:00 a.m. During the week, a night curfew is imposed every day from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Until now, the Evening curfews have only been applied on weekends. Starting Tuesday, people over 65 or under 20 should also be prohibited from using public transportation.

According to the government, the number of new infections each day is around 30,000 in the country of 83 million people, but there are doubts about the numbers. Last week, the government announced the daily number of cases for the first time in months, after only the daily number of people infected with symptoms had been published for months.

The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) had recently expressed doubts about the government’s figures. It accounts for at least 50,000 new infections every day. The TTB also contradicted the government’s statement that only 70 percent of intensive care beds in Turkey are occupied. In some provinces, patients are treated in hallways or dining rooms, according to a statement. The country is currently experiencing a “tsunami” that the TTB had been warning about for months.

Nearly lowest level in two months: France reports around 4,000 new cases

Tough measures and restrictions on public life in France appear to be having an effect. After 9784 cases on Sunday, authorities reported 4005 new infections by Monday. The seven-day average drops to 11,118 and is near its lowest level in two months.

The death toll remained high: as announced by the Health Ministry, 406 people died on Monday.

Rome agrees to Italians with curfews on New Year’s Eve

The Italian government has decided to grant more financial aid to companies and professional groups that suffer especially from the crown’s restrictions. The center-left government announced late Monday that another eight billion euros would be made available to it. For example, tax exemptions are provided for companies with certain sales volumes, as well as for restaurants, tour operators and hotels.

At the same time, it became clear on Monday that the nightly curfew starting at 10 pm for the 60 million Italians should still apply on New Year’s Eve. To avoid a third corona wave, policy must remain strict in December, said Italy’s Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia of the Rai News television channel. If the restrictions persist, as before, people would have to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home.

In Italy, there has been a nightly curfew from 10 pm to 5 am since the beginning of November. He wants to have bowls. A new decree is expected this week containing an update on numerous crown measures. In addition to the question of what will be allowed on Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the opening of ski areas during the holidays was also a controversial topic. For days now, politicians and experts warn against repeating the mistakes of the summer with too much relaxation and too many trips.
