Mulled wine ban and exit restriction in Nuremberg


In response to the sharp increase in incidence, the city of Nuremberg has announced stricter measures. In Bavaria’s second-largest city, among other things, a general exit restriction applies, Nuremberg Mayor Marcus König (CSU) said at a press conference. Only those who have a valid reason can stay out. That means you are allowed to go shopping or go to work. Another good reason is to visit or help people in crisis situations. This new general decree is initially valid until December 20, 2020.

Alternate lessons in Nuremberg schools from December 7

“Please stay home if possible,” Mayor König said. Starting on December 7, the Nuremberg schools will also start alternate classes. This means that classes are divided and trained alternately on site and in distance lessons. This applies starting next Monday for all 5th graders; the only exceptions are inclusive and special needs schools and final classes.

Nurseries and playgrounds remain open

In the meantime, care in nurseries should be maintained as far as possible, as currently applied. This is important to support families, said Elisabeth Ries from the city of Nuremberg. Leisure facilities, such as playgrounds, must also remain open, but these facilities should only be used alone or a maximum of two.

Prohibition of alcohol in the city center.

The area in which an outdoor mask is also required is also being expanded. Take away alcohol is prohibited all day. “Avoid contacts! This is very important now,” said Mayor König. Downtown images of people buying and consuming a jug of mulled wine will no longer be possible “with these high levels of infection.”

“Unfortunately, the number of corona infections has not decreased,” König said, recalling the previous partial blockage. In fact, experts would predict that the infection rate will intensify.

“We cannot continue like this in Nuremberg.” Lord Mayor of Nuremberg, Marcus König

The situation in the clinics is tense

Overall, the level of infection is around three times higher than in the first wave of spring, according to Nuremberg health official Britta Walthelm. Nuremberg was “very far” from the target value of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. Furthermore, the infection process in Nuremberg is very “diffuse”, that is, there is no local access point.

On the other hand, it is relatively clear who is responsible for most of the infections, Walthelm said. The 14 to 59 age group has a “disproportionate share.” But Corona is also on the rise among people over 80, because the virus is increasingly spreading in Nuremberg nursing homes, according to the health official. The situation in the clinics is “tense”. If things continue like this, hospitals will soon “reach their capacity limits.”

According to the State Office for Health and Food Safety in Erlangen, Nuremberg currently (as of November 30, 2020, 8:00 am) has a 7-day incidence value of 307.31. This makes the city an access point. In this case, the ninth Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance stipulates that the responsible administrative authority must shut down public life to slow down the infection process.

Here you can find the exit and contact restrictions of the city of Nuremberg
