Burladingen: Earthquake shakes parts of the Swabian Alb


The strength of an earthquake is determined with the help of the

Richter scale

and other scales. The specified value, the


, indicates the energy released.



will be the maximum


(that is, the deflections of the needle) that would have been generated by earthquakes 100 km away. the

decadic logarithm

of the maximum measured amplitudes gives the magnitude. Increasing magnitude by 1 means 33 times more energy release. an earthquake of magnitude 5.0 is 33 times stronger than one of magnitude 4.0. The scale was changed from

Charles Francis Richter


Beno gutenberg

I’m Entwickelt from the California Institute of Technology.

Strictly speaking, however, the strength of earthquakes is today in the


specified. In addition to energy, it also takes into account the size of the broken rock. The surface of the fracture can be calculated from the earthquake measurements of many seismographs.
