Elections in the United States: Trump’s adviser on the crown presents his resignation – politics


Most Americans have chosen Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Still, the incumbent Donald Trump is trying to do everything he can to nullify Biden’s victory on the legal path. All news and updates at a glance:

Trump’s crown adviser resigns

Tuesday, December 1, 3:40 am: Controversial adviser to the crown to current US President Donald Trump, radiologist Scott Atlas, has resigned. In a letter to Trump, he wrote: “I have worked hard and focused on one thing: saving lives and helping Americans overcome this pandemic.”

The radiologist had worked for the United States government since August. According to constant media reports, his contract would have expired after 130 days this week anyway. Now he uses his resignation statement to defend himself against criticism. Atlas himself claimed that he always relied on the latest scientific knowledge and did so “without any consideration or political influence.”

In fact, the doctor had spoken out against the strict containment measures and questioned the usefulness of the masks. In doing so, he received criticism in particular from another member of the Corona task force in the White House: Prominent immunologist Anthony Fauci has publicly disagreed with Atlas’ views.

In mid-November, after crown requirements tightened in states like Michigan, Atlas wrote on Twitter: “It only ends when people get up.” The tweet was also explosive because only a few weeks earlier a group of suspects had been arrested who investigators said wanted to kidnap and possibly kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer due to the crown’s previous actions. Atlas later wrote that he did not want to incite violence.

The radiologist wrote in his resignation letter that he wished the “new team” only the best, and was apparently referring to President-elect Joe Biden.

Arizona and Wisconsin confirm Biden’s victory

Monday, November 30, 11.20 pm: Arizona is another highly contested American state that has officially confirmed the presidential election result with the victory of Joe Biden. Wisconsin authorities also confirmed the victory of the US president-elect after a recount in two districts on Monday.

With that, incumbent Donald Trump suffers another setback in his attempts to annul the result of the November 3 elections by legal means. Biden won in Arizona by about 10,500 votes, in Wisconsin it was about 20,700 votes after a recount. Trump’s lawyers failed in court with lawsuits against the election results.

Trump still claims without proof that he lost the election only because of massive electoral fraud. Previously, major states like Georgia and Pennsylvania had already confirmed the election results.

Confirming the election result in Arizona also has the side effect that the majority of Trump’s Republicans in the Senate will drop from 53 to 52 votes. Democrat Mark Kelly, who defeated Republican Senator Marthy McSally, is due to take office this week because it was a special vote.

The remaining newly elected senators will not be sworn in until early 2021. Whether Democrats or Republicans will have a majority in the Senate will not be decided until two runoff elections in Georgia on January 5.

Trump attacks Republican governor of Georgia

Monday, November 30, 8:46 am: Outgoing US President Donald Trump has verbally attacked the Republican Governor of Georgia. Brian Kemp did “absolutely nothing” to challenge the outcome of the presidential election in the southern state, Trump complained in an interview with Fox News. He’s embarrassed that he supported Kemp’s application for governor in 2018. Back then, the Republican narrowly prevailed over Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams.

It was the first live television interview Trump has given since Election Day. In Georgia, Joe Biden had outscored the incumbent by about 12,670 votes. This was the first time in nearly 30 years that a Democratic presidential candidate won the state. Trump makes unsubstantiated allegations that illegally cast votes cost him victory in Georgia and other contested states. In several countries, however, their legal challenges to the results came to nothing.

In Georgia, there are major second-round elections for the two southern state Senate seats on January 5. Democrats expect surprise successes against the two Republican rulers. If the two Democratic candidates are successful, there would be a 50-50 tie in the Washington Senate. In this case, the future vice president, Democrat Kamala Harris, decides whether there is a tie in the voting.

Who is in control of the Senate is extremely important. Because President-elect Joe Biden couldn’t carry out many of his plans if a Republican-controlled Senate blocked them over and over again. The House of Parliament not only has to pass important bills, it also has to confirm personal data, such as those of Supreme Court judges or ministers.

Biden introduces the entire female communications team

Monday, November 30, 4:55 am: President-elect Joe Biden relies on a team of experienced women for White House communications. “Communicating directly and sincerely with the people of the United States is one of the most important roles of a president,” Biden said Sunday (US time).

The prominent role of government spokesperson is occupied by the Democrat with Jen Psaki: she was, among other things, director of communications for the White House and spokesperson for the State Department under former Democratic President Barack Obama. Since the election, Psaki had conducted several briefings with journalists for Biden. It seemed clear and professional. His deputy in the White House will be Karine Jean-Pierre, who last worked for Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, as Biden put it.

“I am proud to announce today the first high-level communications team in the White House to feature only women,” said Biden. The “qualified and experienced” candidates bring different approaches and a common will to move the country forward, Biden said. Harris said, “These communication professionals represent our promise to create a White House that reflects the best of our country.”

Biden’s current deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield will become White House communications director. This gives it a less public role, but one that is important in determining the government’s overall communications strategy. Pili Tobar, in turn, will become Bedingfield’s alternate. A Biden Campaign Team Advisor, Symone Sanders, Will Become the Vice President’s Spokesperson; Ashley Etienne is scheduled to work for Harris as the director of communications.

Around the same time as Biden’s most recent personnel decisions, it emerged that Biden had sprained his right ankle while playing with his German Shepherd and suffered minor stress fractures to his foot. Thus, it can be assumed that the 78-year-old will have to wear a boot-like orthopedic support shoe “for several weeks,” physician Kevin O’Connor said in a statement by Biden’s office. Biden may also have to wear it at his planned grand opening on January 20.
