“Be very, very careful”: Merkel warns of a third wave in winter


In a video chat, Chancellor Merkel talks to police officers about her work on the corona pandemic. It is about violence during operations and protests against the measures. Merkel urges caution in the coming winter and warns of the danger of a third wave.

Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed police officers’ concerns and questions in a video chat. On several occasions, a desire was expressed for clearer rules and guidelines in the Corona crisis rather than new and often different regional regulations.

In the conversation, Merkel warned of a third crown wave in case people in Germany did not behave with much caution in the coming winter. “We will have to be very, very careful in winter,” he said. “Otherwise, we will go back to the next wave immediately.” People are less prepared against the virus in winter. “We still have to get through these winter months,” declared the chancellor. However, rapid corona tests, which one will “get along better” with, would now bring relief, according to Merkel.

A Berlin policeman noted an increase in willingness to use violence among people protesting against measures taken by the federal and state governments to contain the pandemic. Some reliability of regulation and standards is important, he emphasized. Because even citizens who, in principle, are willing to abide by the rules, are often not exactly in the image of what is currently valid.

“Don’t look away from extremism”

Gerke Stüven, head of the police commissioner in Wildeshausen in Lower Saxony, said “it is difficult for us as a policeman to work with appeals and recommendations.” Officers needed a “legally safe space for action”, as they would otherwise not have the right to enter the properties, for example to enforce contact restrictions. A Thuringian policeman said that since the beginning of the pandemic, he has heard phrases like “I don’t want to do your job right now.” An official from the Harz region said he would like more corona tests for police officers, who are often forced to physically approach other people on duty, during searches, arrests or when someone offers resistance.

“We know what you are doing and what you are doing for us,” Merkel expressed her respect for the work of the police in the particularly difficult circumstances of the corona pandemic. Today the police are an “especially challenged” professional group. The Chancellor renewed her promise that police officers should have the opportunity to vaccinate in addition to members of risk groups, “if not the first.”

Beyond Covid-19, the police also addressed the current debate on racism and right-wing extremism in the police force. An Erfurt police officer said that since these were only individual cases, it was necessary to act selectively to combat this phenomenon and not group everyone. Merkel expressed her understanding that public officials are upset by the general accusations and, on the other hand, assured political support. But he also emphasized: “We must not look the other way when there is extremism in the police.”
