Fireball Seen in the Sky Over Germany: Researchers Baffled


Sky phenomenon

Fireball sighted over Germany: investigators are baffled

In many places in Germany, a fireball was reported in the sky on Saturday. Researchers are baffled as to what it was all about.

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  • What was happening in the sky on Saturday night?
  • A celestial body could be seen in several countries on Saturday, 190 reports came from Germany alone
  • There are reports of a bright beam moving across the sky that has turned a jade-like green color.
  • It is not yet known exactly what it is

A bright beam that turns green for a few seconds.
shines. Many people reported an unusual show on Saturday night shortly before seven. “In a few hours we had about 90 entries at our registration address,” confirmed Jürgen Oberst of the fireball network. What celestial body is the
Ball of fire
It’s Saturday is still unclear.

Fireball sighted in Germany, Belgium and France

The fireball network is a joint project of the German Aerospace Center (
) and TU Berlin. Oberst provides more accurate information on the local occurrence of the green ray in the sky: “Most of the reports come from the Cologne-Frankfurt-Siegen area.”

The International Meteor Organization (IMO) stated that it had received more than 190 reports from Germany, but also from Belgium and France.

Green fireball in the sky puzzles watchers

For example, a person from Siegen reports, according to Jürgen Oberst, a ray of light moving across the sky that has turned a green color similar to jade. Therefore, most of it was divided into two smaller balls. the
it was only five to seven seconds.

Not only in the west, but also in the north, the mysterious apparition could be seen in the sky. On the Austrian side
Gahberg informed a Schleswig-Holstein man of a “shiny object with a green tail flying from west to east.”

The object could not yet be clearly identified

It is not yet known exactly what it is. However, DLR makes a distinction
Shooting Stars
with a burning time of less than a second and fireballs. “A fireball has a burning time of maybe 5 seconds, rarely more.” Sometimes it shines in the end
burst or change color.

As early as October, people from North and East Germany reported a large fireball in the sky that lit up the night sky for several seconds. Even then i could
without knowing exactly what kind of object it was. (te / dpa)

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