In his farewell speech, Kevin Kühnert vows to the Jusos to take a left course


In his farewell speech, outgoing Juso boss Kevin Kühnert called on the SPD youth organization to stay on its decidedly left-wing course. The crown crisis had shown that many things that the Juso had long called for could be implemented, such as the suspension of the debt brake, massive government investments, labor guarantees.

“Why would that only be possible in times of crisis?” Kühnert said at the Juso federal digital congress. “Financing obviously doesn’t seem to be the problem.” Kühnert reiterated Juso’s demand for a reintroduction of the wealth tax.

Kühnert, 31, is not running for Juso’s presidency again. He wants to focus on his role as federal vice president of the SPD and run for the Bundestag. In her emotional farewell speech, she was moved to tears.

“That may be a bit strange for people who are watching now, why are they crying now?” He said in a broken voice. Kühnert added that he had “done a lot of work in recent years” and always received the “unconditional support” of the Jusos for “all the madness.” It was “a lot of fun” for him.

In recent years, the Jusos have also wanted to shake up the parties, which have gathered too much in the middle of the political spectrum and are all in some way united. “In response to our suggestions, I don’t want to hear, ‘Man, are you crazy,’ but I want to hear counter-suggestions,” Kühnert said.

Designated successor Rosenthal wants a left-wing alliance

The only candidate for Kühnert’s successor is Professor Jessica Rosenthal from Bonn, 28. Rosenthal distanced himself from SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz. “I don’t want to see a campaign that is just about one person,” he told the Funke media group newspapers. »Olaf Scholz knows that he has to make offers to the Jewish people and the youth. I demand that. “

Among other things, the Juso insisted on a state guarantee of training, Rosenthal said. Furthermore, Kühnert must play a leading role in the election campaign. About 300 delegates elect the new president by mail ballot. The result will be announced on January 8.

Rosenthal, who also aspires to the Bundestag, rejects the grand coalition with the Union unchanged. Despite the good work of his ministers, the SPD fails to score, he criticized in the Funke interview. Rosenthal is based on a left-wing alliance with the Greens and the Left: “The main objective of this Bundestag election campaign must be for the Union to leave the Chancellery and lead it to the opposition.”

Rosenthal fundamentally criticized the principle of the market economy. »This capitalist economic system will no longer work in the long run. It is based on the exploitation of humans and nature, ”he said. The economy must be democratized and employees involved in companies.

Icon: The mirror
