AfD party convention: Chrupalla accuses Merkel of “emergency policy”


Despite strong criticism, the federal AfD party conference has started in Kalkar. Party leader Meuthen promised that the crown’s requirements would be strictly met. Co-chief Chrupalla addressed the federal government harshly in his speech.

AfD President Tino Chrupalla opened the federal party congress in Kalkar, North Rhine-Westphalia, with an attack on the supposed “emergency policy” of the federal government during the Corona crisis. In front of hundreds of delegates, he accused the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) of following a “policy of pure bankruptcy”. Stocks would be destroyed, the wave of bankruptcies is already underway, the course of the pandemic will cost many people their jobs. The AfD wants to defend your interests.

Chrupalla countered critics who find a meeting irresponsible in times of a pandemic that such presence party conferences are indispensable in a democracy. “If we let a virus put us in our place, democracy has already been lost.” At the same time, Chrupalla appealed to delegates to adhere to the concept of hygiene.

Protests already on Friday afternoon

The party congress in the midst of the second corona wave had been heavily criticized in advance. There were already protests against the AfD policy on Friday afternoon. Today a rally with around 1000 participants is expected. Police are on the scene with several hundred forces. They are intended to guarantee both the course of the party’s federal conference and the counter-demonstrations that have been registered.

Meuthen: “We will strictly adhere to this”

Strict hygiene requirements apply to the party congress. Mouth and nose protection must also be worn on the seats, but an AfD complaint to the Münster High Administrative Court was unsuccessful. AfD boss Jörg Meuthen said NDR information As for Corona’s requirements: “We will strictly adhere to this and there will be no exceptions.” He added: “If someone resists, they will be expelled.” Such a meeting in times of the crown pandemic only works with the utmost discipline. “We want to show the republic that this is possible,” Meuthen said. Dem RBB information radio said the head of AfD, only those who present a medical certificate can remove the mask.

The concept of pension will be adopted

The federal party conference is scheduled for two days. The 600 or so delegates want to adopt a pension concept, among other things. The question of how the AfD positions itself on basic income for all is likely to be hotly debated. In addition, two positions must be filled on the federal executive committee. Treasurer Klaus Fohrmann resigned in January. AfD board member Andreas Kalbitz was denied membership in May because he was said to have hidden his membership from the far-right German Youth (HDJ) and Republicans. The by-elections are scheduled for Sunday.

Tagesschau reported on this issue on November 28, 2020 at 12:00 pm
