Freedom or coercion? Debate on mandatory corona vaccination


Updated on November 27, 2020 at 10:48 pm

The search for a corona vaccine is in full swing. But when the time comes: do they volunteer enough or should the state force its citizens to do so? A look at Germany and beyond its borders.

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For almost a year after the start of the Corona-Pandemie Millions of people around the world one vaccine Some critics feverishly fear that vaccination is mandatory. How few other medical issues care vaccine Over and over again by controversy, in certain circles vaccines are seen as unnecessary at best and dangerous at worst.

Also in the demonstrations against Crown measurements in Germany was the last time repeatedly against Vaccinations degraded. Although there are German infection protection law in theory, the possibility of forcing particularly threatened sectors of the population to be vaccinated under certain conditions through an ordinance with the consent of the Federal Council. However, the federal government has already clearly rejected the vaccination obligation several times.

Spahn rejects mandatory vaccination

“I give you my word: it will be in this pandemic without compulsory vaccination give “, he stressed about the Minister of Health Jens spahn (CDU) in the Bundestag, expressly in the direction of other claims.

At United States A mandatory corona vaccination with an approved agent is not excluded. Such a decision would not be made at the national level, but by state.

In early November, the New York Bar Association passed a resolution recommending mandatory vaccination in the event that not enough people voluntarily accept the drug.

Such a measure could be emphasized if, for example, unvaccinated people do not Bars or Restaurants they are allowed to visit. too employer experts say they can vaccinate their employees as long as they have a legitimate reason to do so.

Australia wants all citizens to be vaccinated

In Australia it has Prime Minister Scott morrison already stressed in August that he wanted one Mandatory vaccination for all citizensas soon as a vaccine is available.

The National Qantas airline at least i want Intercontinental flights introduce mandatory vaccination for its passengers. As soon as a vaccine is available, the airline’s terms and conditions will be adjusted accordingly, the Qantas chief said. Alan Joyce.

At Switzerland is a mandatory partial vaccination conceivable. “Depending on the situation, it may make sense in special situations,” said the head of the Federal Office of Public Health. Anne Levy, most recently on “Sonntagsblick”.

What is meant, however, is at most mandatory vaccination for certain groups, such as the health lawyer Franziska Spokesperson from the University of Bern to the station SRF said: “Mandatory vaccinations are possible according to the applicable law. However, only for specific groups, such as people dealing with vulnerable groups, especially healthcare workers.” .

Most European countries rely on volunteering

Most other European countries, however, are betting Willfulness. “I will not make vaccination mandatory,” he said. France President Emmanuel macron in a television speech this week.

Vaccines against it Coronavirus should in Spain voluntarily, free of charge and in the first place risk groups reserved as indicated on the government immunization schedule. Also in Czech Republic The national vaccination strategy stipulates that participation in the immunization it will be voluntary. Italians Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte He said in a television interview with the station “LA7” ​​that he was in favor of a voluntary decision.

According to a study by McGill University in Canada, about half of all countries have mandatory vaccination programs against at least one disease. There’s some kind of in 62 states punishment For people who refuse to be vaccinated, this can range from instruction to fines and imprisonment.

Read also: Blockade in Argentina: what 180 days of isolation can do to the psyche

Mandatory vaccination in Argentina: free and mandatory

“Immunization programs are the most cost-effective and successful tool in public health. Especially in a pandemic, high immunization coverage on a global scale is important,” said the study’s lead author. Katie Gravagna.

In Argentina for example there is one Mandatory vaccination against a whole Disease set like the usual teething problems Hepatitis A Y second, Rotaviren, diphtheria, Tetanus Y Yellow fever. These vaccines are on the national vaccination schedule and are therefore free Y required.

Without proof of vaccination you can children for example, not going to school. Coronavirus vaccination should not initially required its. However, it could still be added to the mandatory vaccination schedule later, when the new vaccines have proven to be effective and safe.

Also in Brazil there are numerous vaccines required. However, there are mainly among the president’s right-wing supporters Jair bolsonaro great reservations about any type of crown measurements.

Als São Paulos Gouverneur João Doria the last time a mandatory vaccination against the corona virus was considered, it reached Protests. A banner read: “We are not guinea pigs.” (msc / dpa)

In Germany, the one million mark for corona infections has been passed. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Friday morning, citing information from health authorities, a total of 1,006,394 cases of Covid 19 have been registered since the start of the pandemic. Photo credit: imago images / Seeliger
