BKA likely warns of attacks from vaccination opponents


Approval of the first corona vaccines is imminent and vaccination centers are being urgently set up across the country. But now the BKA is warning: Vaccine centers and manufacturers could be targeted by extremists.

Vaccine manufacturers and vaccination centers could become possible targets for attacks by radical deniers in the crown. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) warns of this in an internal situation report, as reported by “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, NDR and WDR. Due to the “high dynamism and emotionality inherent in the Corona theme,” an “abstract risk” must be assumed for the facilities mentioned, according to the report.

One conceivable scenario is an attack on a vaccination center, in which radical critics of Corona’s measures attempted to penetrate the facility “to garner particularly high media attention for their protest.” It is also considered possible, although very unlikely, to steal stored vaccines by criminals and then sell them.

Developers attacked by foreign hackers?

The BKA also sees research facilities and vaccine production facilities as potential targets for cyber attacks. “In particular, the possibly imminent advance in vaccine research may mean heightened interest from state targeting groups,” the Federal Criminal Police Office said.

The German authorities are currently busy setting up vaccination centers throughout Germany. The facilities should serve as vaccination centers and organize local distribution of active ingredients. Read here how a vaccination center is planned and installed in Berlin, for example.

Spahn requests administrative assistance from the Bundeswehr

In preparation for the distribution of the vaccine, the Federal Ministry of Health is said to have urgently requested logistical assistance from the Bundeswehr, reports the “Spiegel”, according to a preliminary report. The House of Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) requested “administrative assistance with the safe interim storage of vaccines and support with distribution to vaccination centers in various federal states.”

The Ministry of Health is targeting barracks as storage facilities in order to provide effective security, as they say. On the one hand, it has to do with the large quantities of vaccine doses that may be of interest to criminals. On the other hand, the Ministry and the BKA are concerned about disruptive or sabotage actions, writes the “Spiegel”. Therefore, the storage places must be kept secret.

According to the information, the Bundeswehr assumes that nationwide vaccinations will start no later than December 20. With a view to the next vaccination campaign, but also in the context of the sometimes severe bottlenecks in the health system, Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer recently increased the contingent for Corona relief missions from 5,000 to 20,000 soldiers.
